13.06.2017, 08:30 A.M.
Engineering the Past to Meet the Needs of the Future: best practice installation of mechanical and electrical services into historic buildings.
A study day presented by the Irish Georgian Society and the Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht, Rural and Regional Affairs, in association with the CIF Register of Heritage Contractors on Tuesday 13th June 2017 at Russborough, County Wicklow.
This CPD study day will be of major interest to all built environment professionals and services contractors who have to install and upgrade mechanical and electrical services in historic buildings. It will contain presentations on best professional and contractor practice from the UK and Ireland in this crucial, but little discussed, area of building conservation. The speakers will show the benefits of inter-disciplinary working amongst conservation professionals, project architects, building services engineers and contractors. This study day is a rare chance to hear about and discuss detailed, technical case studies of sensitively designed and fitted services.
The event will draw on current experience on site at Russborough, where a major services upgrade project is underway, part-funded by the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. The Department is delighted to work with the Irish Georgian Society and the CIF Register of Heritage Contractors to illustrate best conservation practice in building services.
Please click here for a more detailed programme.
The Irish Georgian Society gratefully acknowledges the support of Merrion Properties and Heather and John Picerne for the IGS Conservation Education Programme.
Photo Credit: Donal Murphy