About the Birr and Midlands Chapter and Committee
The Birr Chapter was established in 1993. In 2015, it extended its geographical reach and is now known as the Birr/Midlands Chapter. The aim, inter alia, is to include all members from the area in activities organised by the Chapter.
In 2015/2016 the Chapter was proud to support and contribute to the Famous and Notables of Birr (FAN) Trail. As a result, 27 Blue Plaques have now been installed around the town; these serve as a town trail for tourists and commemorates distinguished visitors and former residents including Dame Nelly Melba, Opera Singer; Bernadette O’Farrell, Hollywood actress and Lord Snowdon, renowned photographer.
After a hiatus prompted largely by COVID the Chapter returned in 2023 with new vigor. In September 2023 a reception in the the City Assembly House was held to recognize Chapter Patron the Earl of Rosse's entrance into the IGS President's Circle. At the same reception a certificate of commendation was given to retiring Chair John Joyce in recognition of his excellent work as Chair of the Birr Chapter.
Chapter Patron: the Earl of Rosse
Committee Officers:
Chair - Joe Breen
Hon Treasurer - Alicia Clements
Hon Secretary - Elizabeth Fogarty
Retiring committee Officers:
Chair - John Joyce
Hon Treasurer - Gerry Browne

Upcoming Event
Birr/Midlands Chapter IGS: CHRISTMAS PARTY : Friday 1st. December 2023
The Birr/Midlands Chapter of the Irish Georgian Society holds its Christmas Party at Birr Castle on Friday 1st. December 2023
CASTLE GATES OPEN : at 7.30pm for an 8pm start : Entrance : 30 Euro
For further details email johnpjoyce@hotmail.com
Previous events have included
- 2017 : the Chapter organised a successful overnight trip to the Boyne Centre, Castle Ward, Mount Steward and Hillsborough Castle.
- 2018 : a Georgian Day was organised in the context of Heritage Week. This included a presentation to Birr Library of committee meeting reports from 1993 to 2013 for safe keeping in the local history section of the library; a tour around the Georgian highlights of the town and a lecture by Dr Patricia McCarthy entitled “Making the grand figure – country houses in Georgian Ireland”.
- 2019 : Two local tours were organised, the first to Gloster House, outside Birr, on 12 June where the group was welcomed by proprietors Tom and Mary Alexander.
A visit to Charleville Castle, Tullamore took place on 29 June followed by a viewing of Boland’s Lock on the Grand Canal where the owner Michael O’Rourke welcomed the group.
A further trip to 3 Kildare Houses took place on 28 July – Larchill House and Arcadian Gardens courtesy of Michael de las Casas; Coolcarrigan House, Church and Gardens courtesy of Robert Wilson-Wright and Harristown House, courtesy of Hubert Beaumont.
Membership is organised via Irish Georgian Society HQ, Dublin
New members from the Birr/Midlands area are invited to contact us when they join so that they can be included in invitations to local activities.
Email: birrmidlands@igs.ie

The Folly, Gloster House, Brosna, Birr, with owner Tom Alexander and Lady Rosse - 12 June 2019

Coolcarrigan house with owner Robert Wilson Wright at back - 28 July 2019

Harristown House, Co Kildare, with owner Hubert Beaumont (front row, centre) and Lord and Lady Rosse (front row, right) - 28 July 2019

Visit to Larchill Arcadian gardens with owner Michael De Las Casas - 28 July 2019

Boland's Lock, Tullamore - 29 June 2019

Charleville Castle, Tullamore - 29 June 2019

Birr/Midlands chapter visit Mount Steward - 10 June 2017