Historical background
Mullanes’ Thatched Cottage has remained in the Mullanes’ family since its construction in the late-eighteenth century. Notably it retains most of its original form and appearance, save for a few exterior changes and the addition of a small extension to the rear. The interior remains as it was originally designed and is built of local materials. In 2002 the Irish Georgian Society was asked for conservation project funding. The Society awarded a grant of €4,073.
Brief description of project
This grant helped to defray the cost of re-thatching the deteriorating roof in rye straw. The project was carried out in conjunction with gable and chimney repairs, leaving the cottage in sound condition.
The Society supports the conservation of Ireland’s vernacular architecture and the use of correct traditional building skills in their maintenance.
Architectural description
This long-standing vernacular building is a single-storey, four bay thatched dwelling. The entryway has an interesting flat-roofed porch with a vestigial pediment and duck ornaments. The walls are painted, smooth-rendered and lined. Painted timber casement windows were inserted around 1990. There is an extension to the west with a pitched corrugated-iron roof. The thatched roof has a plain raised and scalloped ridge.