Conservation Traditional Building Skills Register

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Deirdre Conroy MA, MUBC, BL
Architectural Heritage Partners
M:086 280 5413

Deirdre Conroy is a Protected Structure planning specialist, who can provide Architectural Heritage Impact Assessment for planning application in Local Authorities throughout Ireland.

Deirdre Conroy is art and architectural historian and a conservation consultant. Deirdre holds the following qualifications:

1993 Diploma Interior Design , Rhodec International, UK.
1997 BA (1st hons) History of Art, Architecture and English; UCD
1998 MA Palladian Architecture; UCD
2005 MUBC, Masters in Urban and Building Conservation; UCD
2016 Barrister at Law, King’s Inns
2020 Advanced Diploma Planning and Environmental Law
2022 Qualified Solicitor – Law Society


Users of the register should be mindful that the register has been complied from information given by those listed and no responsibility is accepted by the Irish Georgian Society for the accuracy of the information, or for any fault or accident arising from the workmanship of anyone listed, or from materials used or supplied by them. Descriptions of conservation work undertaken was requested, and is listed under each entry, so that the skills and achievements of each individual or firm can be assessed by the user of the register.  Inclusion should not be regarded as either a recommendation or an endorsement by the Society. The Register is not comprehensive and no criticism is implied or intended of an individual or firm not included. Every reasonable care has been taken in the compiling of the register but no responsibility is accepted for errors and omissions.

The Register will be updated regularly, so if you wish to be included or are aware of any omissions, please contact us.

Please be advised that the Construction Industry Federation also maintains a list of registered heritage contractors which may also be of benefit to consult, click here for more information.

For more regional information, your local conservation officer, whose contact details are included in the useful addresses section, may also be able to provide you with details of local craftspeople and contractors.