13.07.2021, 15:00 P.M.

This lecture will provide an introduction to the architectural riches of Ireland's largest county, Cork. Its variety of scenery and topography are such that County Cork has been described as a microcosm of Ireland. We will explore the county's buildings from the earliest times up to the present day. Cork's towns and villages include Viking and Norman foundations such as Kinsale, Youghal and Buttevant, model plantation towns such as Bandon, eighteenth century improved towns such as Mitchelstown with its expansive Georgian alms houses and 19th century resort towns such as Cobh, presided over by Pugin & Ashlin's spectacularly sited Catholic cathedral. The many castles and tower houses include the imposingly situated Carrigadrohid Castle and the McDonagh McCarthy's strongholds of Lohort and Kanturk. among later country houses, Kilshannig and Fota represent Irish Georgian architecture at its most accomplished. The strategic importance of Cork harbour is reflected in its many and varied fortifications and the county's long coastline is enhanced by a delightful variety of lookouts and lighthouses.'
Frank Keohane is a Building Surveyor specialising in building conservation and an architectural historian. he is the author of the Building of Ireland (Pevsner) guide to Cork City and County which was published by Yale University Press in March 2020.
** We have extended the booking until 2pm tomorrow.**
Please note this is a pre-recorded virtual lecture, the link to access this will be sent out at 3pm to all those booked. The recording will be available to watch 7 days to those who have booked.
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