18.10.2022, 18:30 P.M.
This is the second talk in the Irish Georgian Society's nine-week autumn lecture series, Georgian Homes: material culture of the domestic interior in 18th century Ireland.
Art Collections Displayed in the Irish Domestic Interior during the Long-Eighteenth Century by Dr Aidan O’Boyle, independent scholar.
Abstract: Dr Aidan O’Boyle will provide an overview of the artists and genres found in the homes of the fashionable 18th century Irish elite before focusing of the paintings and sculptures assembled and displayed by Ireland’s premier Dukes at their Dublin townhouse, Leinster House and their country seat, Carton.
Biography: Aidan O Boyle completed his PhD thesis on the history or art collections in Ireland at Trinity College Dublin in 2011. He intends to publish his work on the subject in the future. Aidan is currently researching the art collection of the Earls of Portarlington at Emo Court for the Office of Public Works.
Image: Adriaan de Lelie (1755-1820), The Picture Gallery of Jan Gildermeester in Amsterdam, 1794-1795, Copyright, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.
This is the second talk in the Irish Georgian Society’s nine-week autumn lecture series, Georgian Homes: material culture of the domestic interior in 18th-century Ireland which will explore the material culture of the Irish Georgian house, in both town and country, focusing on interior decoration, furniture and fine art. The talks will examine the manner in which these furnishings and decorations responded to the use of the interior spaces by their inhabitants; reveal the influences on their stylistic evolution; reflect on the province and economics of materials and manufacturing methods; and consider how the presentation of decorative finishes and objects in domestic settings acted as social signifiers of the inhabitants’ taste and status. The talks, which will examine the presentation and decoration of the homes of the elite and ‘middling’ sorts, will provide an overview of objects and collections that were designed and manufactured by native and foreign craftsmen and artisans, both in Ireland and abroad.
The Irish Georgian Society's autumn lecture series, Georgian Homes: material culture of the domestic interior in 18th century Ireland forms an action of the Irish Georgian Society’s Conservation Education Programme, which is supported by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and The Heritage Council. The Irish Georgian Society wishes to acknowledge the sponsorship of Ecclesiastical Insurance.

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