12.05.2020, 00:00 A.M.
The Irish Georgian Society has taken guidance from the HSE with regards COVID-19 and resolved to discontinue holding events in the City Assembly House for the time being.
However, we and Dublin City Council remain keen to deliver the Conserving your Dublin Period House lecture series and pre-recording talks and placing them online.
All bookings/attendees will recieve an email with a link to view the lecture on the intended date of each lecture.
A twelve-week lunchtime talk series presented by the Irish Georgian Society and Dublin City Council to be held from 1pm to 2pm on Tuesdays in February, March, April and May at the Irish Georgian Society’s City Assembly House, 58 South William Street, Dublin 2.
Tuesday 18th February Dublin’s Domestic Architecture: its historic stylistic evolution by Charles Duggan, Heritage Officer, Dublin City Council
Tuesday 25th February Protected Structure Policy and Legislation by Jacqui Donnelly, Senior Architect, Built Heritage Policy, Department of Culture, Heritage and Gaeltacht
Tuesday 10th March Energy Performance in Protected Structures; planning implications and grants by Carl Raftery, Conservation Research Officer, Dublin City Council
Tuesday 24th March Sensitively Extending your Protected Structure, Mary McDonald, Architectural Conservation Officer, Dublin City Council
Tuesday 31st March Historic Decorative Plasterwork: its history, significance and conservation by Andrew Smith, consultant decorative plasterwork conservator
Tuesday 7th April Historic Windows: their history, significance and conservation by Dr Nessa Roche, Senior Architectural Advisor, Built Heritage Advisory Unit, Department of Culture, Heritage and Gaeltacht, author of DoCHG’s Advice Series: A Guide to the Repair of Historic Windows
Tuesday 14th April Historic Ironwork: its history, significance and conservation by Ali Davey, Historic Environment Scotland & author of DoCHG’s Advice Series: The Repair of Wrought and Cast Ironwork
Tuesday 21st April Historic Doors & Staircases: their history and conservation by Peter Clarke, retired lecturer, Technological University Dublin
Tuesday 28th April Taking Care of your Period House’s Roof, Chimneys and Parapets by Lisa Edden, Associate Director at Cora Consulting Engineers & co-author of DoCHG’s Advice Series: A Guide to the Repair of Historic Roofs
Tuesday 5th May History and Conservation of Bricks by Susan Roundtree, RIAI conservation architect & co-author of DoCHGs Advice Series: A Guide to the Repair of Historic Bricks
Tuesday 12th May The Importance of Using Lime & Historic Pointing Techniques in Dublin by Grainne Shaffrey, Principal, Shaffrey Architects, Grade I RIAI Conservation Practice and co-author of the DoCHG’s Advice Series: A Guide to the Repair of Historic Brick
RESCHEDULED - Tuesday 19 May Maintenance and Controlling Damp in your Period House by Frank Keohane, Chartered Building Surveyor accredited in Building Conservation & author of Irish Period Houses: a conservation guidance manual
CANCELLED - Saturday 18th April 10.00am until 11.30am Architectural Walking Tour with Dr Susan Galavan, MRIAI. Dr Galavan will lead a walking tour examining the architectural form, style and detailing of Northumberland Road, D2. Built over the course of six decades in the 19th century its buildings which vary from tall red-brick terraces to fine semi-detached houses provide an exemplar of the development of Dublin’s Victorian domestic architecture.
Download the brochure here.
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