15.10.2024, 18:30 P.M.

Malton’s Dublin Prints: picking through the details by Graham Hickey, CEO Dublin Civic Trust and co-author of Malton’s Views of Dublin: The Story of a Georgian City (2021)
This is the third talk in the Irish Georgian Society and Dublin City Council's talk series, Depicting Dublin: understanding Dublin’s architecture, urban morphology and social history through maps, prints, drawings and photographs.
ABSTRACT: James Malton’s views of Dublin are celebrated for their depiction of Ireland’s capital near the peak of its Georgian expansion. This lecture will delve into Malton’s engravings to understand more about the architectural form of the late 18th-century city through his depictions of buildings, shops and streetscapes. Many of his details provide an invaluable insight to how buildings were originally presented, prompting cues to how we might better conserve our city in our own time.
BIOGRAPHY: Graham Hickey is CEO at Dublin Civic Trust, the architectural heritage body that recently completed the conservation and refurbishment of 18 Ormond Quay Upper, an 1840s merchant house on the river Liffey. Graham is a broadcasting graduate of TU Dublin, and a post-graduate of Applied Building Repair and Conservation from Trinity College Dublin, where his study focused on the history and reconstruction of the State Apartments at Dublin Castle in the period 1941-1968. He is author of Meath and Francis Streets, Dublin 8, and is a contributor to publications including Making Majesty: The Throne Room At Dublin Castle, the Architecture 1600-2000 volume of the Art and Architecture of Ireland project, and Malton’s Views of Dublin: The Story of a Georgian City. He is a regular media writer on architectural heritage and the development of Dublin city.
Attendance at the talk is recognised by the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland as formal CPD (1 point per hour long talk). The IGS will issue CPD certs at the end of the talk series.
IMAGE: View of the Provost's House, Grafton Street by James Malton (1761-1805).
Talks take place at 6.30pm in the Irish Georgian Society's City Assembly House, 58 South William Street, Dublin 2. Talk subscribers can also choose to watch the talks live online. A zoom link to watch the talk live will be issued the day before each talk. Additionally, all talk subscribers will be issued with a recording of the talk the day after, which they can watch for a further two-week period.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This talk is part of the Irish Georgian Society's Conservtion Education Programme which is supported by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. The Society also wishes to thank Dublin City Council's Heritage Office for partnering on this talk series, and The Heritage Council for their support of the Irish Georgian Society.
If you are interested in other talks relating to architecture, check out the Ireland Architecture Diary.