24.08.2020, 09:00 A.M.
This on-line tour forms part of Dublin City Council and the Irish Georgian Society's Celebrating Dublin’s Built Heritage, a series of talks and tours to mark National Heritage Week (Saturday 15th to Sunday 23rd August 2020)
Dublin Fragments: The Pearson Collection, tour of the Irish Georgian Society’s City Assembly House exhibition with curator, Peter Pearson in conversation with Charles Duggan, Dublin City Council Heritage Officer.
Join Peter Pearson on an on-line tour of the Dublin Fragments exhibition at the Irish Georgian Society's City Assembly House. An exhibition of architectural fragments and installations that presents a dazzling display of Dublin craftsmanship. Today, most significant buildings are protected, thus it is (or should be) impossible to salvage such artefacts as these rescued since the sixties from demolished buildings. Seen here out of their natural setting, this display of fanlight and plasterwork, architrave and woodwork, cast and wrought iron only accentuates their intrinsic beauty. The creativity of those talented craftsmen show mementos of a time and people long gone.
This form of collecting fragments from a wide range of Dublin’s built heritage can be regarded as a sort of archaeology of the 18th and 19th centuries, except these items never got the chance to be buried. On another level, like some archaeological artefacts, these exhibits are artistic pieces in their own right illustrating aspects of the building of the city of Dublin and reflect the social history of those times.
Peter Pearson is an artist and writer who has always been attracted to the physical heritage of his native Dublin. He has a lifelong interest in documenting and protecting the architectural and natural heritage of Ireland.
Click on the below Youtube link to watch the tour, which will be available to view for the duration of National Heritage Week (Saturday 15th to Sunday 23rd August 2020)