24.11.2022, 10:00 A.M.
Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings Seminar, City Assembly House & online.
The seminar will provide practical, appropriate, and easy to understand advice and guidance on how to thermally upgrade historic buildings and reduce energy costs whilst ensuring that no damage occurs to their historic fabric and character. Best practice case studies will be showcased and information on planning considerations, wall insulation, heating systems and grant aid provided.
Attendance at the seminar will benefit both historic building owners and built heritage professionals.
9.15am Registration
9.30am Introduction & Welcome from Donough Cahill, IGS Executive Director
Energy Efficiency in Traditional Buildings - the Context by Jacqui Donnelly, Senior Architect in Built Heritage Policy at the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.
Reuse and recycle to reduce carbon, towards a circular economy for the historic environment by Adala Leeson, Head of Socio-Economic Analysis and Evaluation at Historic England.
Case Study: Dun Laoghaire Victorian Maritime House by Grainne Shaffrey, Principal, Shaffrey Architects, Grade I RIAI Conservation Accredited.
11.30am-12noon Coffee Break
Benign Sustainable Interventions in Historic Dwellings by Dr James Ritson, Vice-President, ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Energy and Sustainability.
Introduction to Wall Insulation for Traditional Buildings by Dr Rosanne Walker, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Research Group on the Fabric of Traditional Buildings (FabTrads), UCD.
Decarbonising Energy Use for Residents in Georgian Buildings – where are the opportunities? by John Burgess – Buildings Performance Practitioner, MEP Lead Engineer for Arup, Cork.
1-2pm Lunch
Case Study: Rubrics: Energy Retrofitting Trinity College Dublin’s Oldest Surviving Building by Peter Cox, MD, Carrig Conservation International Ltd.
Case Studies of Energy Upgrades to Traditionally Built Buildings: a conservation architect’s perspective by Fergal McGirl, Fergal McGirl Architects.
Circular and deep -Case Study of the Renovation-Extension of an Urban Victorian Cottage in Dublin by Joseph Little, Head of Construction and Building Performance, School of Architecture & Building and Environment, TU Dublin.
Grant Aid for Improving the Thermal Performance of Traditionally Built Buildings by Brian McIntyre, Programme Manager, High Performance Building Technologies, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland.
4pm Seminar Concludes
It is possible to attend the seminar in-person at the City Assembly House (€60) or watch it live online (€50)
A recording of the seminar will be made available to watch for a period of one week after the seminar to both those who attended in person and those who purchased an online/virtual ticket.
This seminars is recognised by the Construction Industry Federation, Engineers Ireland and the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland as formal/structured CPD (5 points)
This Irish Georgian Society seminar is an action of the IGS's Conservation Education Programme, which is supported by the Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage, and The Heritage Council.
IMAGE: Energy Efficiency in Historic Houses seminar speakers: Dr Rosanne Walker; Fergal McGirl; Adala Leeson; John Burgess; James Ritson; Grainne Shaffrey; Peter Cox and Joseph Little (clockwise top left to right)

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