13.06.2020, 10:00 A.M.
How Stained Glass is Made: a free children's conservation and craft workshop by Liam McCorkell of Glasshaus Studio, County Meath for Cruinniú na nÓg 2020.
Learn the dark arts and tricks of this ancient craft. Once considered the highest of art forms, stained glass has been produced for over one thousand years and has been used by humans to celebrate and decorate our buildings and environment. This live workshop will be run by Liam McCorkell of Glasshaus Studio from his own workshop in historical County Meath. Liam will show examples of the materials and tools employed in this traditional craft skill and explain its techniques. There will be an opportunity to ask Liam questions during his workshop.
Liam's workshop is being delivered on behalf of the Irish Georgian Society and the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht for Cruinniú na nÓg 2020.
(Recommended age 12-18 years)
To participate in this free conservation craft workshop, which will be delivered through Zoom, it is necessary to download Zoom https://zoom.us/download (free to download) onto your computer/tablet or smart phone in advance of the workshop.
Please click on this live link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8705... up to ten minutes prior to the commencement of the workshop (i.e. you can join the meeting from 9.50am) and the Irish Georgian Society, who are hosting the workshop will admit you.
Please note that you will be able to hear and see the Irish Georgian Society representative hosting the meetings, as well as Liam delivering the workshop in his studio but we will be unable to see or hear you. You can ask questions at the workshop through the Zoom type chat function.