24.08.2020, 09:00 A.M.
This talk forms part of Dublin City Council and the Irish Georgian Society's Celebrating Dublin’s Built Heritage, a series of talks to mark National Heritage Week (Saturday 15th to Sunday 23rd August 2020)
"..All the World's a Stage", how the everyday forms the character of our spaces by Niamh Kiernan.
This talk will discuss how it is often the discreet, ordinary and quiet elements of architecture that make up the character of a place. The interrelationship of our paving, boundaries, railings, gardens, street furniture, trees and the buildings that they are set against all work together to characterise our neighbourhoods and individually, these elements are often not protected against insensitive change. This presentation aims to look at the everyday in an attempt to offer a deeper understanding of what often passes us by unnoticed.
Niamh Kiernan is an Architectural Conservation Officer and joined Dublin City Council in 2018, having spent 16 years working as an architect in Ireland and the UK. Niamh has experience working on conservation projects for historic buildings in London and at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Recent conservation projects in Ireland include conservation works to historic houses including Russborough House, Co. Wicklow. Niamh completed the NZEB (Nearly Zero Energy Building) postgraduate certificate course at TU Dublin in 2020.
Click on the below link to watch the talk, which will be available to view only for the duration of National Heritage Week (Saturday 15th to Sunday 23rd August 2020)