Events IGS Lecture: 'Michael Healy, 1873-1941' with Dr David Caron

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30.01.2024, 18:00 P.M.

Lecture by Dr David Caron author of 'Michael Healy, 1873-1941 An Túr Gloine's stained glass pioneer' with Dr David Caron

This talk tells the story of Michael Healy, a reclusive artist, raised in a Dublin tenement, who established the bar for excellence in this exacting craft, and who worked at An Túr Gloine (Tower of Glass) studio for almost four decades.

Lecture begins at 6pm (Registration from 5.45pm)

In-person €12

Online €10 (link will be send by lunchtime on the day of the talk)

Student €5 (for student bookings, please email with a copy of your current, full-time student ID and the event title and the IGS team will contact you).


The lectures will take place in the O'Connell Room at the IGS City Assembly House, 58 South William Street, Dublin 2. Doors open at 5.45pm. Attendees are asked to be in their seats by 5.55pm.


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