01.12.2023, 00:00 A.M.
After nearly 20 years of London dinners we’ve managed to find a leading club where we have never dined: the Army & Navy Club, traditionally known as The Rag, on the corner of St James’s Square and Pall Mall. The Rag is unique in clubland for having a purpose built 1960s clubhouse. Finding their previous palazzo style clubhouse (1851, by Parnell & Smith) impractical, and with their services numbers dwindling, the club demolished the Victorian building and rebuilt on the same site. The best contents were retained, and our dinner will be in the stylish Pall Mall room.
This year's speaker, Mike Fisher, is an interior designer and founder of the renowned architectural and interior design firm, Studio Indigo. He will talk about his work at Ven House, the superb C18 house in Somerset which he owns with his partner Charles Allen, Baron Allen of Kensington, and which we visited in June. He has recently converted a derelict stables wing into charming guest accommodation.
As in recent years there will be an auction to raise much needed funds for the Society. Last year the auction included books, theatre tickets, overnights stays, and weekend breaks. Any offers of auction prizes will be most welcome.
Dinner (black tie) will be at 7.00pm for 7.30pm with carriages from 10.30pm. Tickets for the evening cost £125 (members), £115 (YIGs – under 40) and £135 (non-members). The cost will include a wine reception before dinner, followed by a three-course dinner with wine and coffee. Booking details are below.
Guests will be welcome. If you would like to sit near another member then please inform us and we will try to arrange the seating plan accordingly, but we cannot guarantee being able to meet everyone's requirements.
Please complete this downloadable Application Form and return (either in Word, or a scanned copy, or a photo) to Esmé Fay at esmefay@aol.com
or at
1 Walden Way, Hornchurch, RM11 2LB
Payment: £125 members, £115 YIGs (under 40), £135 non-members.
Either by bank transfer to
Irish Georgian Society London
Bank: Nat West
Sort code: 60-05-14
Account number: 18252672
Reference: your surname + dinner.
Or by cheque
Cheque payable to Irish Georgian Society London.
Send to Esmé Fay, 1 Walden Way, Hornchurch RM11 2LB and include completed Application Form
To Esmé Fay on esmefay@aol.com or 07802 898835 or 01708 437372