29.11.2024, 00:00 A.M.
IGS London Christmas Dinner
29th November, Royal Over-Seas League, 6 Park Place, St James Street, SW1A 1LR
Booking for the IGS London annual Christmas Dinner & fundraising auction is now open! The dinner will be held at the Royal Over-Seas League, founded in 1910 and settled in Park Place, St James Street some twelve years later. Its clubhouse was formed from the amalgamation of three buildings: Rutland House (built c. 1734 to the designs of James Gibbs), Vernon House (rebuilt in 1835 and again in 1905 following a fire), and the later Art Deco style Westminster Wing (opened in 1937). The Royal Overseas League is one of the London clubs used often by senior members of the royal family to privately entertain and was a popular venue with Queen Elizabeth.
The evening will begin with a drinks reception from 6.30pm with dinner called at 7.15pm when a splendid 3 course dinner with wine will be served in the dining room. After dinner Benedict Ryan and Shane Jocelyn of the Young Irish Georgians will conduct the auction to raise money for the IGS Conservation Grants Scheme which helps to fund the restoration of architecturally significant buildings in Ireland (if anyone would like to contribute a prize to this year's auction, please email benedict@charlescooper.uk). Speaker on the evening will be Lady Tessa Brewer OBE.
Tickets are £145 for members and £150 for non-members.
To book please complete the application form here and send to timothy.buxton@gmail.com