29.06.2023, 11:00 A.M.
We have set up what should be a very special midsummer day out: an exquisite house on the Somerset-Dorset border, little known even to groups like ours, with fine gardens and very conveniently near an excellent local restaurant. Neither house nor garden are open in the usual way.
Ven House is a handsome house of c1725 by local architect Nathaniel Ireson (best known for his work at Stourhead nearby), with later work by Decimus Burton in the 1830s. Pevsner describes the interior as “planned for display” so it is fortunate that Ven is now the home of Mike Fisher, an architectural and interior designer, who has decorated and furnished the house superbly, blending the best of period and modern elements.
Our visit will start at 11am. After touring the house with the owner or his father, we will break for a leisurely lunch.
Lunch arrangements:
Ven is very near renowned restaurant The Clockspire, highly recommended by local foodies. We will book tables for members who want to eat there: at own cost – set menus from £26 or a la carte.
Afternoon garden tour
We return to Ven for a tour of the garden with the Head Gardener. We finish with a cream tea and will leave c4.30pm.
We will provide directions for members coming by car.
Easy access by train:
Ven is a short taxi ride from Sherborne station (3 miles) which is c2 hours by train from London. The recommended trains are the 8.20 from Waterloo, returning by the 17.36.
There are currently good value tickets on these trains (advance or semi-flex return on South West Trains).
We will co-ordinate taxis from Sherborne for members coming by train if you let Tina know.
Booking and payment (by Friday 23 June please)
£55 members, £65 non-members. Guests welcome
Either by bank transfer:
Pay to
Irish Georgian Society London
Bank: Nat West
Sort code: 60-05-14
Account number: 18252672
Reference: your name
Please also notify Tina Graham at graham302@btinternet.com with your name & name of guests.
Please also say if you’d like to be booked in for lunch, and whether you plan to travel by car or train.
Or by cheque
Cheque payable to:
Irish Georgian Society London.
Send to
John Barber
21 Booths Court
Poplar Drive
Brentwood CM13 1YY
Please include your contact details and the name of any guests. Please also say if you’d like to be booked in for lunch, and whether you plan to travel by car or train.
Any queries: to Tina Graham on 07591 665502