16.06.2022, 08:30 A.M.
Newry: A City Rediscovered.
The long-awaited return of the Ulster Architectural Heritage and Irish Georgian Society Summer School has been announced. Previously held in Monaghan and Derry/Donegal, this year it will be a one-day summer school which will take place in Newry on 16th June and include visits to key conservation projects.
Join both societies at the rediscovered Bagenal’s Castle, the home of the Newry, Mourne and Down Museum and collection, as we visit the market city and discuss key buildings and projects. Our guest speakers will include Consarc Design Group, Edward McParland and local architect Tom Gilsenan, who will enlighten us on the development of Newry through history, to now city status and a key border town on the island of Ireland.
Our walking tour will explore these buildings in further detail, including Newry-born architect W. J. Barre’s Riverside Reformed Presbyterian Church, the canal-side quay warehouses, and several buildings on the UAH/HED Heritage at Risk register. We will also take a visit to Newry Cathedral to discuss Consarc’s remedial works there and how action is required to prepare for the impact of climate change in our cities.
The day will conclude with a BBQ in Marlacoo House, Tandragee, an attractive private Georgian gentleman’s residence with fine views of the surrounding area.
Previous attendee John Geraghty says, “The UAH/IGS summer school is a brilliant programme. It offers students and emerging professionals a wonderful opportunity to learn and to grow their networks in a friendly and informal environment. I have attended several summer school events and can say that I have come away from them richer in knowledge and friendship. Sometimes organisations like the UAH and the IGS can appear intimidating. The summer school opened my eyes that behind the grand facades are warm hearts and a friendly atmosphere. They are an honest opportunity to meet not only your peer group but established professionals and individuals in the world of conservation – and in a way that is not daunting and intimidating. I would highly recommend attending.”
Buses will depart from Belfast & Dublin at 8:30AM/9AM respectively, meeting in Newry at Bagenal’s Castle (Newry and Mourne Museum) where our heritage discussions will begin. Buses will depart Marlacoo House at 7.30pm, returning to Belfast by 20.15 and Dublin by 21.15
Refreshments, lunch and evening meal will be provided.
***Limited number of tickets available*** - if the ticket you wish to purchase is sold out, please email info@igs.ie to be added to a waiting list.
Tickets go on sale Monday 9 May at 10am.
- Students tickets £15/€20
- Members tickets £40/€50
- Non-Members £50/€60