06.03.2018, 18:30 P.M.
Sandra Lefroy is William Wordsworth’s great-great-great-grandniece, being descended in direct family line from the poet’s youngest brother, Christopher. Following a lengthy involvement with amateur dramatics, Sandra turned to writing in the early 1990s with the Killaloe Writers’ Group. She was a regular contributor to the RTE Radio One “Sunday Miscellany” programme for a number of years, and also featured on Lyric FM’s “Quiet Quarter”. She is married to John Lefroy, a great-great grandnephew of Lord Chief Justice Tom Lefroy. This presentation follows the fortunes of the Wordsworth and Lefroy families through the years, with particular attention to Tom’s liaison with Jane Austen. It will also introduce a possible connection with the Wordsworth family, which has only come to light in recent times.
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