20.11.2024, 18:30 P.M.
Talk: The Irish Country House: A New Vision by Robert O'Byrne
6.30pm, Wednesday the 20th of November Donald Insall Associates,12 Devonshire St, London W1G 7AB
For more than two centuries a familiar image of the Irish country house has been one of dishevelment and decay. However, in recent decades an alternative vision has come to the fore: one of restoration and renewal. Historic houses across Ireland are being rediscovered and brought back to use as family homes. Join author, architectural historian and former Vice-President of the Irish Georgian Society Robert O’Byrne as he discusses some of these properties and tells the stories of their decline and recovery. Robert's most recent book The Irish Country House: A New Vision published by Rizzoli, celebrating Irish country house interiors, from well-preserved historic estates to adventurous contemporary restorations is out now.
Tickets: £15
To Book: Please direct any booking inquiries to Tina Graham graham302@btinternet.com
Payments instructions:
By bank transfer to
Irish Georgian Society London
Metro Bank
Account 53833799,
Sort code 23-05-80
with reference (event name)
By cheque payable to
Irish Georgian Society London
and posted to:
Tim Buxton
19 Rowan Road
W6 7DT
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