27.11.2024, 18:00 P.M.
Talk: The Irish Country House: A New Vision by Robert O'Byrne
City Assembly House, 58 South William Street, Dublin 2
Robert O’Byrne will be talking on the subject of his latest publication ‘The Irish Country House: A New Vision’ (Rizzoli, 2024). Forgoing the usual images of decay and decline, this is an exploration of some of the most captivating and unusual interiors in Ireland. Whether in the transformation of a derelict estate, the preservation of an historic hunting lodge, or the re-creation of a Gothic fantasy, each of the featured homes reflects a renewed vitality in the contemporary approach to Irish country houses.
*Please note our London Chapter are hosting the same talk in London on the 20th of November. For more information on the London talk and how to book click here*