22.09.2020, 15:30 P.M.
The lecture begins with a brief account of the Battle of the Boyne and Thomas Mitchell’s wonderful painting of the Boyne obelisk, which can be seen in the left hand side of the painting and which is in the collection of the Ulster Museum. Erected to celebrate King William’s victory, the painting depicts the monument in the landscape of the Boyne and sets the scene for the story of the lecture, which recreates a vivid picture of life in some of the great houses situated along the river. Among these are Townley Hall, Oldbridge, Ballsgrove and Beaulieu and the lecture looks at how the people who lived in these great houses were responsible for an explosion of trade and wealth in Drogheda in the 18th century. Using much original material from the period, this richly illustrated lecture gives a revealing insight into the impact these great houses had on the success of Drogheda and the families’ links to the Boyne river which runs through the City. George Williams is a furniture restorer and antique dealer based in County Meath.
This is a prerecoreded online lecture, it will be sent via email and be available for 7 days
Ticket Price: €10 / €5 Student
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