24.08.2020, 09:00 A.M.
This talk forms part of Dublin City Council and the Irish Georgian Society's Celebrating Dublin’s Built Heritage, a series of talks to mark National Heritage Week (Saturday 15th to Sunday 23rd August 2020)
Upstairs, Downstairs: Dublin’s Victorian houses by Dr Susan Galavan
In 1859, Dubliners strolling along country roads witnessed something new emerging from the green fields. The Victorian house had arrived: wide red brick structures stood back behind manicured front lawns. In Upstairs, Downstairs: Dublin’s Victorian houses, Dr Susan Galavan tells the story of these houses, of which an estimated 35,000 were built in the fields surrounding the city. She shows how house design evolved over time, and takes the audience behind the facades into the interiors to reveal how they reflect the aspirations and lifestyle of Dublin’s Victorian middle classes.
Susan Galvan is an architect and architectural historian with over twelve years’ experience in practice in Ireland, Italy and Germany. Her book Dublin’s Bourgeois Homes: building the Victorian suburbs 1850-1901 (Routledge, 2017), was based on her PhD at Trinity College Dublin and was the first in-depth analysis of Dublin’s Victorian domestic architecture. She is currently a Marie-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Leuven, Belgium where she is researching nineteenth-century domestic architecture in Belgium.
Click on the below link to watch the talk, which will be available to view only for the duration of National Heritage Week (Saturday 15th to Sunday 23rd August 2020)