Castle Coole Study Day
Posted by IGS

The IGS held a very special study day in Castle Coole, Co. Fermanagh on 12th November which explored the rich architectural heritage, decorative interiors and designed landscape of Ireland’s finest eighteenth-century neo-classical house. Held in partnership with the National Trust, the study day featured a host of leading scholars including as keynote speaker John Martin Robinson, author of the Yale University Press monograph on James Wyatt, Christopher Monkhouse, former curator of European Decorative Arts at the Art Institute of Chicago, and Dr Edward McParland, Fellow emeritus of Trinity College Dublin.
We also wish to thank the speakers who presented papers on the day, all of whom are leading figures in their fields and generously shared their knowledge with us. Castle Coole has been home to the Lowry Corry family since the late seventeenth century and continues to be the home of Lord and Lady Belmore. The Society is most grateful for their enthusiasm and support without which the study day simply would not have happened. Finally we wish to thank the National Trust for opening Castle Coole especially and its staff members in County Fermanagh who were hugely supportive in ensuring the seamless running of the event.
Castle Coole Study Day Speakers and Chairs (left to right): Dr Patricia McCarthy, Dr John Martin Robinson; Terence Reeve-Smyth, Primrose Wilson, Christopher Monkhouse; Lady Belmore, Lord Belmore, David Skinner, Emmeline Henderson, Donough Cahill, Frances Bailey, Dr William Roulston.