Desmond Guinness Scholarship 2023 Open for Applications
Posted by IGS
The Hon. Desmond Guinness (1931-2020)

The Desmond Guinness Scholarship is awarded annually by the Irish Georgian Society to an applicant or applicants engaged in research on the visual arts and material culture of Ireland including the work of Irish architects, artists and craftsmen at home and abroad, 1600-1940. Preference will be given to work based on original documentary research. The Scholarship is intended for students who are currently enrolled for a postgraduate research degree either at MA/MPhil or PhD level.
The Scholarship does not have to be awarded in any one year, and the decision of the assessors, appointed by the Irish Georgian Society, is final. The total value of the scholarship fund available for distribution is in the region of €2,000. The award will be made before the end of December 2023.
Deadline for applications is 12 noon on Thursday 23rd November 2023.
Please note the following:
- Applications must be made online through this form:
- No additional information or any other accompanying material will be accepted.
- All questions must be answered and incomplete applications will not be considered.
- Late applications will not be accepted.
- The Scholarship will not cover tuition fees.
- The following criteria will be taken into consideration when assessing the applications:
a) Originality and merit of the proposal
b) Candidates’ academic strengths
c) Potential of the project to contribute to scholarship
d) Budget & value for money - A confidential reference supporting the applicant (with subject heading 'Desmond Guinness Scholarship 2023 Reference) should be sent via email to This emailed reference must be received directly from the reference provider's own email address (not the applicant's) and arrive by the closing date.
Online application form can be found here
If you have any further queries about the scholarship please contact:
Emmeline Henderson ( or by phoning 01 679 8675 and selecting extension number for Conservation Education.