IGS submission RE: proposed development at the site of former Blarney Park Hotel, St Anns Road Monacnapa, Blarney, Co. Cork
Posted by IGS

The IGS has objected to a further development that would have a significant adverse effect on character and setting of Blarney Castle & Gardens and of Blarney town, an important historic planned industrial settlement. Lying just to the north of the castle and next to the town, the planning application proposes the development of an 80-bedroom hotel with 74 parking spaces, a supermarket with 88 parking spaces, a café/coffee shop, an office building, a commercial building, and 70 residential units, all ranging in height from between two and four storeys.
Blarney has been a major centre for tourists for the last 200 years and could be regarded as being of international significance. Given its prominence, it serves as an important shop window for the region and so it is essential that any new developments are carefully planned and designed. In its submission, the IGS stated its view that the planning application would undermine the special interest of Blarney and so run contrary to the provisions of both the Cork County Development Plan 2014, and the Blarney Macroom Municipal District Local Area Plan, 2017.