Limerick Chapter Resuming Activities
Posted by IGS

Irish Georgian Society Limerick Chapter
After an absence of almost four years, the Irish Georgian Society’s Limerick Chapter has announced it is resuming its activities, with the launch of its autumn-winter lecture series on the 1st of October with a lecture by Randal Hodkinson on ‘Limerick in old, unseen photographs’. Illustrating the changing streetscapes of the Georgian and medieval parts of the city, this lecture will interest everyone with an interest in Limerick’s history and architecture.
The IGS Limerick Chapter was established in 1996 by the late Desmond FitzGerald, 29th Knight of Glin, who with others hoped to highlight the importance of Limerick’s Georgian heritage, then as now threatened by inappropriate development. The Chapter hosts an annual Knight of Glin Lecture to celebrate his achievements in Limerick and beyond, details of which will be announced in the coming months.
Randal Hodkinson’s lecture will take place at 8 pm in the historic LPYMA building on 97 O’Connell Street, Limerick. Entry is €5 at the door and is open to all.