
The vision of the Irish Georgian Society is to conserve, protect and foster a keen interest and a respect for Ireland’s architectural heritage and decorative arts. These aims are achieved through its scholarly and conservation education programmes, through its support of conservation projects and planning issues, and vitally, through its members and their activities.

Heritage Week Open Afternoon at Agher Church - Saturday 25 August


Posted by IGS


In Agher Church (c. 1904) stands a rare example of an 18th-century painted enamel stained glass window by the Irish artist Thomas Jervais (d. 1799), which underwent urgent conservation work with the assistance of the Irish Georgian Society in 2016.

Agher Church as seen today was completed in 1902, and was built on the site of an older church dated from 1804. In the Church stands a painted enamel stained glass window by the Irish artist Thomas Jervais (d. 1799), which underwent urgent conservation work in 2016, supported through grants from The Heritage Council & The Primrose Trust. Visitors will have the opportunity to view the window in situ and learn about the significance of this rare example of 18th century Irish stained glass.

At this Heritage Week open afternoon on Saturday 25 August, visitors will have the opportunity to view the window in situ and learn about the significance of this rare example of eighteenth-century Irish stained glass.

Admission is free, and Agher Church will be open from 12pm to 4.30pm on Saturday 25 August.

Find out more about that conservation project here.

(Image: Nick Bradshaw)

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Sharing Conservation Stories - A built heritage day in County Monaghan - Saturday 18 August


Posted by IGS


The Irish Georgian Society (IGS) and Ulster Architectural Heritage (UAH) invite you to take part in a one day summer school to visit key conservation projects in County Monaghan with Kevin Mulligan, Director of the 2015/2017 IGS/UAH Summer Schools and author of Buildings of South Ulster, and Shirley Clerkin, Heritage Officer for the County

This one day event, hosted by Irish Georgian Society and Ulster Architectural Heritage will visit key conservation projects in County Monaghan with Kevin Mulligan, Director of the 2015/2017 IGS/UAH Summer Schools and author of Buildings of South Ulster, and Shirley Clerkin, Heritage Officer for County Monaghan. Buses will depart from Dublin & Belfast and meet in Monaghan at St Davnet's Hospital where our heritage discussions will begin. During the day we will look at buildings which have found new uses (eg. Clones Market House) and others awaiting an appropriate reuse. In addition we will be able to pay tribute to the remarkable community groups who have conserved the Rossmore mausoleum, Dartrey column and Lady Anne's Temple at Dartrey. It is unlikely that new uses could be found for these buildings! Our conservation stories will introduce us to new thinking and new heroes and heroines as well as the odd villain.

If you wish to book a place in sterling, click here.

If you wish to book a place in euro, click here.

Itinerary (TBC - timings are subject to change.)

9.00am - Buses depart from Belfast and Dublin (city centre)
10.30am - Meeting in Monaghan at St Davnet's Hospital, teas & coffees
12.30pm - Clones Market House
1.30pm - Lunch
2.30pm - Rossmore mausoleum
3.30pm - Dartry column and Lady Anne's Temple at Dartry
5.00pm - Depart for Belfast and Dublin
6.30pm - Arrival in Belfast and Dublin

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Press Release: Irish Georgian Society calls for reinstatement of State funding for conservation projects


Posted by IGS

An Irish Georgian Society submission to the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (attached) highlights a one-third reduction in the Department’s Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) from 2017 levels.

Launched in 2016, the BHIS aims “to leverage private capital for investment in… small-scale conservation projects”, and to “support employment… in the repair of the historic built environment”[1].

The Irish Georgian Society highlights how funding was inexplicably reduced from €3.5m in 2017 to €2m in 2018 in spite of the recognised benefits of public grant aid in generating investment in conservation projects and consequent jobs creation[2].

It notes how an adequately resourced grants scheme is consistent with commitments made by the State under the Granada Convention for the protection of the architectural heritage of Europe which it ratified in 1997, as well as national policy commitments such as those set out in Ireland 2040: National Planning Framework.

The Irish Georgian Society also questions the inconsistent manner in which grants are allocated both to local authorities and to individual projects. They note that some local authorities receive substantially more funding per protected structure than others, and that the average size of grants awarded can vary substantially from one county to another.

In this regard they show that Leitrim received €155.63 per protected structure whilst Cork County received only €16.99, and that average grants in Galway City amounted to €13,400 whilst those in Galway County were €4,167.

The Irish Georgian Society has called on the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht to reinstate funding for the BHIS to the 2017 level at the very least and recommends a review of the scheme so as to ensure consistency in the allocation of funding to local authorities and the awarding of grants for conservation projects.

Contact: Donough Cahill, Executive Director IGS
Tel. 01 679 8675

[1] Built heritage Investment Scheme 2017 - Guidance Circular, 2017, DAHRRGA

[2] Economic Evaluation of the Historic Environment Ireland, 2011, Ecorys

Download submission (pdf) on funding for and the structure of the Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS).

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Exhibiting Art in Georgian Ireland - Closed


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Exhibiting Art in Georgian Ireland exhibition is now closed. 

Thank you to our invigilators, sponsors and staff for making it such an enjoyable few weeks.

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Exhibition Temporarily Closed - 23 July 2018


Posted by IGS

'Exhibiting Art in Georgian Ireland' is temporarily closed today (23 July 2018)

We expect to re-open the exhibition as normal tomorrow (10am-5pm)


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Advertising in the 2018/19 Irish Georgian Society Review


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The Irish Georgian Society Review is richly illustrated with content on decorative arts, conservation, current affairs and Irish heritage issues. Published annually in October, it is distributed among our 2,500+ members across Ireland, the UK and USA. Taking out an advertisement in the IGS Review is an opportunity to promote your business to an interested target audience.

The Irish Georgian Society Review focuses on specialist topics relating to the work of the Irish Georgian Society, as well as including illustrated articles on architecture and the decorative arts, commissioned from academics and conservation professionals. The magazine is elegantly designed and you can read past issues of the IGS Review online (via this link) to get an idea of content and format.

The IGS Review is made available at various IGS events throughout the year (2018), such as our annual seminars, study days and the Dublin Horse Show, and all year round in our bookshop at the City Assembly House on South William Street.

Download our 2018/19 advertising rates here and advert specifications here.

Contact Zoë Coleman ( for more details before Thursday 24th August.

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