
The vision of the Irish Georgian Society is to conserve, protect and foster a keen interest and a respect for Ireland’s architectural heritage and decorative arts. These aims are achieved through its scholarly and conservation education programmes, through its support of conservation projects and planning issues, and vitally, through its members and their activities.

City Assembly House Venue Hire - 2018


Posted by IGS


In 2018, the Irish Georgian Society will reopen the City Assembly House for public events. 

The refurbished octagonal Exhibition Room will be used, primarily for exhibitions, performances and educational events. With a capacity of up to 90 people seated, it will offer a chance for intimate recitals and small scale performances. With the seating removed the gallery becomes a grand and imposing exhibition space.

The O’Connell Room, extending across the first floor level, will become an elegant gallery space and will also be available for small scale meetings and talks, capacity 25. It will also offer a complimentary space for events in the Exhibition Room.

We plan to offer limited dates for commercial events, such as product launches, training days and recording of shows.

Requests for private events will be dealt with on an individual basis.

Prices start at €500 plus VAT.

For details please contact Seamus Hogan (

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IGS Conservation Awards 2017 - Results


Posted by IGS


The winners of the Irish Georgian Society’s 2017 Architectural Conservation Award and Original Drawings Award were announced by Michael Wall, Chairman of the Irish Georgian Foundation, at a well-attended ceremony presided over by Dr Edward McParland in the Irish Architectural Archive on Thursday 5th October.

The awards were launched in 2009 and are open to Irish architects or architectural practices, building surveyors, contractors, engineers and other professionals involved in the conservation of historic buildings in Ireland. Their purpose is to encourage excellence in the area of conservation and to celebrate those conservation professionals and practitioners responsible for projects of merit.

Dr. Edward McParland observed that the IGS Conservation Awards were significant as they celebrated the traditional crafts essential in conserving our built heritage and the skills and knowledge of those involved.  He further emphasised the importance of the Awards in demonstrating that decay can be reversed and allow for the recycling and new use of buildings. He concluded by reminding the attendees that these conservation projects bring huge public benefit, through the pleasure and glamour the buildings lend to public and private spaces.

In announcing the award winners, Michael Wall thanked Ronan Group Real Estate and Johnny Ronan for sponsoring the initiative and also thanked Mary Bryan and Livia Hurley for their work in steering the initiative and ensuring its delivery this year. 

The Awards


Original Drawing – Winner: Vincent Coleman
For his drawing of the Cathedral Church of St. Brendan, Clonfert



Conservation Award – Winner: The Shelbourne Hotel
Architect: Lindsay Conservation Architects
Contractor: Acol. Ltd
Client: Kennedy Wilson

View a video detailing the facade restoration project at The Shelbourne on youtube here.


Conservation Award – Highly CommendedStradbally Market House 
Architect: Lotts Architecture
Contractor: Liam Meagher Construction
Client: Stradbally Market House Restoration Committee


Conservation Award – Highly CommendedFancroft Mill
Architect: Marcus & Irene Sweeney
Client: Fancroft Mill & Gardens


Conservation Award – Commended: Newbridge House Courtyard
Architect: Fionnuala May, Architect, Fingal County Council
Contractor: Frances J Haughey Building Conservation
Client: Fingal County Council


Conservation Award – Commended: Richmond Barracks
Architects: Blackwood Associates Architects & Margaret Quinlan Architects
Contractor: Purcell Construction
Client: Dublin City Council


The IGS Conservation Awards Committee is composed of: Dr. Edward McParland, Mary Bryan, Livia Hurley, Frank McDonald, Frank McCloskey and David Griffin. Chairman of IGS, Michael Wall stood in for Mary Bryan on the evening.

Read Frank McDonald's write up on the Awards in The Irish Times (date of publication: 7th October 2017) on The Irish Times website.

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​Donaghcomper zoning threatens historic landscape


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The Irish Georgian Society has made a submission to Kildare County Council expressing its grave concerns by the contents of a draft Ministerial Direction relating to the zoning pf lands at Donaghcumper, Celbridge, Co. Kidlare.  The submission asserts that that, having regard to the international heritage importance of the Castletown / Donaghcumper / St. Wolstan’s historic designed landscapes and having regard to the planning history of the site at Donaghcumper, zoning of lands at Donaghcumper for town centre use would render the Celbridge Local Area Plan 2017-2023 incapable of implementation and, therefore, in contravention of the duty of the planning authority to secure objectives of the plan under section 15 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, and the core principle of the Development Plans Guidelines for Planning Authorities: that plans should set realistic objectives that can be secured. The Society, therefore, suggests that it is correct to materially alter the zoning of the Donaghcumper lands to a zoning for open space as zoning the Donaghcumper lands for town centre use is not in compliance with guidelines to planning authorities issued by the Minister under section 28 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, and is therefore in breach of section 31(1)(c) of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended.

Read the full submission here.

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Visitor Centre at the Hell Fire Club


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The Society submitted a response to the proposed development of a ‘Dublin Mountains Visitor Centre’ at Coillte’s Hell Fire and Massy’s Wood in the Dublin mountains. This submission noted the potential for the development to have a significant negative impact on the architectural, archaeological and cultural heritage of the area and to compromise the integrity of the historic and designed landscapes. It further emphasised the importance of any development at the site to be informed by a comprehensive assessment of the sensitivities and significance of the historic landscapes and their architectural, archaeological and cultural heritage significance. Read the full submission here.

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Limerick Chapter visits Ledwithstown House and Tullynally Castle


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On Sunday 10th September 2017, members of the Limerick Chapter of the Irish Georgian Society enjoyed a wonderful day out to Longford and Westmeath, visiting two important historic houses over the course of the morning and afternoon. 


The Feeney family of Ledwithstown House in Ballymahon were extraordinarily generous in sharing the history, restoration, and current life of their home with our group. Built for the Ledwith family in 1746 to the designs of renowned Irish architect, Richard Castle, the house is known as a 'a miniature gem' because of its intricate plasterwork, detailed wood mouldings, and fine stone carvings. The ongoing restoration of this beautiful home to its original splendour is a model for Irish buildings in similar situations. 


In the afternoon, we visited Tullynally Castle, by kind permission of the Pakenham family, who arranged a great tour guide for us with Bartle D'Arcy. Originally a plain semi-fortified plantation house, then altered to a comfortable Georgian mansion during the eighteenth century, the building was transformed into a Gothic Revival castle by Francis Johnston in 1803, and again enlarged in the early 1840s with two enormous wings and a central tower, to the designs of Sir Richard Morrison. Bartle showed us through selected ground-floor rooms, and entertained us thoroughly with many fabulous stories. We later walked through the magical gardens of Tullynally, with a map provided to guide us through the many features and follies. 


The Limerick Chapter would like to thank our hosts in both historic houses for providing us with a really spectacular day out. All funds raised through tickets for this day trip go towards our Small Works Grant Scheme, a project which is focused on repairing the historic street features of Limerick City. 



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Desmond Guinness Scholarship 2017 open for applications


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Desmond Guinness Scholarship 2017

The Desmond Guinness Scholarship is awarded annually by the Irish Georgian Society to an applicant or applicants engaged in research on the visual arts of Ireland including the work of Irish architects, artists and craftsmen at home and abroad, 1600-1900.  

Preference will be given to work based on original documentary research. The Scholarship is intended primarily for applicants who are not yet established at an advanced professional level in research or publication of the visual arts. From 2015, the Scholarship has been supported by members of the Society's London Chapter.

The Scholarship does not have to be awarded in any one year, and the decision of the assessors, appointed by the Irish Georgian Society, is final.

The total value of the scholarship fund available for distribution is in the region of €1,000.

Application forms must be submitted (by post) by 2.00pm, Tuesday 31st October 2017.

Download an application form and guidelines here

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