
The vision of the Irish Georgian Society is to conserve, protect and foster a keen interest and a respect for Ireland’s architectural heritage and decorative arts. These aims are achieved through its scholarly and conservation education programmes, through its support of conservation projects and planning issues, and vitally, through its members and their activities.

Irish Georgian Society Conservation Grants 2017


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Image-3.JPG#asset:7755Members of Irish Georgian Society London with Ashleigh Murray (left), Committee Chair and Primrose Wilson (right), Chair of the Conservation Grants Committee

Members of Irish Georgian Society London with grant awardees at the grants announcement in Tea Lane Graveyard, Celbridge, Co. Kildare

The recipients of the Irish Georgian Society's Conservation Grants Scheme 2017 was announced on Friday at a small ceremony at Tea Lane Graveyard, Celbridge, Co. Kildare. In all, nine building conservation projects around the country were awarded €50,000 in total of grants. This is the fourth successive year of the Society’s Small Grants Scheme with total funding provided so far amounting to in excess of €200,000.

The conservation projects to receive grants this year include churches and a mausoleum in Counties Kildare and Mayo, and historic houses in Counties Cork, Laois and Mayo. These grants will support essential roof and wall works as well as the conservation of architectural features in need of urgent repair.

The Irish Georgian Society’s grants programme has been supported through the work of its London Chapter whose members organise events throughout the year in aid of Ireland’s built heritage. These grants help owners and guardians of architecturally important historic buildings to fund essential works which may not otherwise be possible.


Maunsell Chapel (c.1820), Tea Lane cemetery, Celbridge, Co. Kildare
The Maunsell Chapel was constructed in 1820 by the Maunsell family of nearby Oakley Park and adjoins an earlier mausoleum of the Conolly family of Castletown. It lies within the Tea Lane Graveyard whose origins extend back to Early Christian times with associations with Saint Mochua and is situated alongside the remains of a medieval church. The restoration of the mausoleum is being led by the Tea Lane Graveyard Committee whose aim is the conservation and preservation of this significant heritage area. 

Grant awarded: €6,500


Stradbally Hall (late 18C), Co. Laois

Water ingress and the onset of damp can have a disastrous impact on historic buildings. This is understood at Stradbally Hall, Co. Laois, a late-18th-century country house that was substantially renovated in c.1868 in the Italianate style by the English architect Charles Lanyon (1813-1889). Last year we assisted with the repair of striking decorative chimneystacks. The works this year involve the continuation of their roof repair programme with the repair of the lead valley gutters on the roof and portico, which are allowing water to penetrate the structure, damaging internal decorative plasterwork.  

Grant awarded: €6,000

Old Parochial House (late 19C), Monkstown, Co. Cork

We are also supporting external repairs at the Old Parochial House in Monkstown, Co. Cork. This building was designed by Edward Welby Pugin (1834-1875), eldest son of the illustrious English architect Augustus Pugin (1812-1852), with the aid Irish architect George Coppinger Ashlin (1837-1921). Moisture has always been an issue due to the location of this red-brick building by the sea. The owners have previously hosted a Brickwork Conservation and Repair CPD course and have undertaken low-level repointing of the brickwork. Grant aid is sought to complete the repointing works to protect the building from further water ingress.

Grant awarded: €4,000


O’Brien Column (c. 1858), Liscannor, Co. Clare

The O’Brien column in Liscannor, Co. Clare, also suffers from water issues. Designed by J Petty Esq, the column was erected in c. 1858 by public subscription in memory of Cornelius O’Brien, a local MP and improving landlord. O’Brien was also responsible for opening up the Cliffs of Moher to tourists by creating paved walks and erecting the c. 1835 O’Brien Tower. The c. 80ft fluted Doric column is an important landmark feature, situated on an impressive site overlooking Liscannor Bay and O’Brien’s former home. The Follies Trust and the Friends of the O’Brien column will carry out careful conservation of the structure, including stabilising its crowning decorative urn which is in danger of collapse.  

Grant awarded: €6,000


St Johns Church (c.1810-1820), Ballycastle, Co. Mayo

External repair works are required at St Johns Church, Ballycastle, Co. Mayo. This c.1810-1820 church was built under the Board of First Fruits and is attributed to the Irish architect John Bowden (d.1822). The recent discovery of ‘mud mortar’, forming part of the original construction of the church’s tower, has added a level urgency to the works. 

Grant awarded: €2,500


The Church of Saint John the Evangelist (c. 1815), Monasterevin, Co Kildare

The Church of Saint John the Evangelist, Monasterevin, Co Kildare, was built in c.1815 with a plan possibly inspired by the Board of First Fruits churches. Its fine iron entrance gate is thought to have been relocated from the Moore Abbey demise by the Marquess of Drogheda. Aid is sought for the restoration of this ornate entrance; not only will this improve the appearance the building, it will also enhance the streetscape due to the prominent location of the church on the town’s main street.  

Grant awarded: €3,000


Town Hall (c.1863), Mountmellick, Co. Laois

Townscape improvements are also proposed in Mountmellick, Co. Laois, where extensive repair works are proposed to the street-facing elevation of the Town Hall. This gable-fronted building was designed in 1863 by the architect William Caldbeck (1824-1872) and is located in the town centre.  

Grant awarded: €5,000



Ballinrobe House (c. 1740), Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo

Our funding this year also supports the restoration of the original entrance door of Ballinrobe House, Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo. Originally built for Captain Courtney Kenny (1702-1779), this c. 1740 seven-bay house retains plasterwork reported to be by the famous Lafranchini brothers. The house has remained derelict for some years and there is evidence of fire. The current owners are now working through a careful programme of repair to restore this beautiful residential building.  

Grant awarded: €7,000


St Micheal & All Angels (late 19C), Sallins, Co. Kildare

A number of churches require assistance this year due to a range of issues. St Micheal & All Angels, Sallins, Co. Kildare, is a late-19th-century church by the architect James Franklin Fuller (1835-1924). An unfortunate fire in 1947 destroyed internal timber features and also caused smoke damage. The works involve the removal of smoke staining to the decorative Cloisonné (enamelled copper) wall panels by Clement John Heaton (1861-1940), to reveal their beautiful colours and detailing. 

Grant awarded: €5,000

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IGS Submission to DCC re: proposed office development by Reliance Investments Ltd at Aldborough House


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Dublin City Council
Planning Department
Civic Offices
Block 4, Ground Floor
Wood Quay
Dublin 8

22nd August 2017


Re:         Application by Reliance Investments Ltd for planning permission for conservation and restoration works and the development of an office development with a total gross floor area of 14,720 sq m on a site of 0.4840 hectares at Aldborough House, Portland Row, Dublin 1, a protected structure.


Dublin City Council Planning Reg. Ref.:           3457/17

Date of Lodgement of application:                   19th July 2017


Dear Sir or Madam,

The Irish Georgian Society (of City Assembly House, 58 South William Street, Dublin 2) wishes to make an observation on the application by Reliance Investments Ltd for the development for conservation and restoration works and the construction of a new office development at Aldborough House, Portland Road, Dublin 1, a protected structure (DCC Reg. Ref. 3457/17). To that end, we enclose payment, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning and Development Regulations, 2001, as amended, in the sum of €20.00, as payment of the submission fee.

Aldborough House, a building of national architectural heritage importance, is described in the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (NIAH) as one of Dublin's great eighteenth-century mansions’. The NIAH entry for Aldborough House goes on to explain the significance of this ‘imposing Palladian mansion’ as follows: ‘The survival of Aldborough House contributes to the sense of continuity, interest and significance of this area of Dublin, which at the time of its construction was the north-eastern fringe of the city, overlooking the newly-opened Royal Canal.’

Aldborough House has suffered from neglect and lack of essential maintenance since falling into vacancy subsequent to the downturn in the property market. However, notwithstanding vandalism and arson attacks, the house remains largely intact, albeit in a poor state of repair. The Society welcomes proposals for the refurbishment and restoration of Aldborough House and acknowledges that some measure of new development must take place on the site in order to ensure the continued viability of the building. However, it is of critical importance that any new development on the site:

  • Be informed by a comprehensive, objective and evidence-based assessment of Aldborough House, its character and its architectural and cultural heritage importance; and
  • Complement Aldborough House in terms of scale so as not to compromise the character and special interest of this nationally important building.

Conservation Plan does not adequately describe the Significant Architectural Heritage Value of Aldborough House

It is a disappointment that the report entitled ‘Conservation Plan’, which accompanies the planning application, would seem to downplay the significance of the house, but without adducing any objective evidence that would support this position. The Society is concerned that numerous subjective statements throughout the report, when read in conjunction with certain somewhat misleading or unsupported statements, could be misconstrued as meaning that Aldborough House is of considerably lesser importance than it is. It is important that the architectural heritage value of Aldborough House is assessed objectively and the elements of the structure which contribute to its special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest’ identified with reference to impartial evidence to ensure that any new development does not undermine the value of this nationally-important protected structure. A number of areas of particular concern within the Conservation Plan are identified below.

The author states, on page 3, that ‘It is not the work of an architect of note and is generally thought to have been a collaboration between the Second Earl and a series of tradesmen, with minor inputs from a number of lesser known architects.’ This statement contradicts entries within the Dictionary of Irish Architects (, an essay by Dr Aidan O’Boyle on the construction history of Aldborough House published in the Irish Georgian Society’s Irish Architectural and Decorative Studies Vol. 4 (2001) and the entry for Aldborough House in the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage. While it is clearly evident that the Earl of Aldborough was actively involved in the design and construction of the house, it is also evident that Richard Johnston was engaged as an architect by Aldborough. Johnston would be regarded by many as a prominent and fashionable architect in his day and was architect for several prominent buildings including Daly’s Clubhouse on College Green and portions of the Rotunda Assembly Rooms. Payments between 1793 and 1796 would suggest a continuing involvement with the house while Daniel Murphy was employed as site architect and stone mason – a relatively common practice at that time. The author does not adduce any evidence, which would refute this comprehensively researched and well established understanding of the design and construction of Aldborough House.

The author goes on to makes a number of subjective and dismissive statements about Aldborough House, describing it as ‘relatively plain’, ‘mediocre’ and goes so far as to state that it is ‘not a beautiful building’. The author does not explain these statements by referencing relevant evidence or consensus of the architectural community. In the absence of this, it is difficult to understand the basis upon which a building accepted as being a nationally important exemplar of Georgian architecture in Ireland could be considered ‘mediocre’. Moreover, the Society is deeply troubled by the implications that diminishing the value of Aldborough House in a Conservation Plan, the stated aim of which is to ‘assess the cultural significance of the house, and remaining grounds, in the context of Dublin architecture from the late Georgian period’ (emphasis added), could have for the appreciation and long term conservation of other Georgian buildings of lesser signficance within Dublin and across the country.

When read in conjunction with certain unsubstantiated statements or statements that fail to reference established practice of the time, there is a risk that such comments could wrongly be interpreted as meaning that Aldborough House is without architectural merit. For example:

(a)        At page 11, the author states: ‘The architectural language of the interior is relatively plain with most of the decoration being well-worked standard catalogue designs, rather than in hand-crafted work unique to the house.’ The author fails to substantiate or reference the charge that the internal decoration was purloined from ‘catalogues’.

(b)        Similarly, the author states at, page 21, that ‘As a work of architecture it is mediocre at best and now stripped of most of its external and internal decorative features, the house has little more than age and scale to commend it.’ While much of the interior has been damaged, many of the principal rooms retain original joinery and plasterwork features, to say nothing of the staircases. As for the exterior of the building, with the exception of the chapel wing and balustrades, the exterior of the building is substantially intact.

(c)        The author goes on to suggest, at page 22, that ‘The decorative elements, be they sculptural or in bas-relief, are all cast elements from standard moulds, rather than hand modelled work of the type that would be found in Russborough or Leinster House.’ The Society questions the purpose of this statement, which appears to completely downplay the surviving decorative elements as merely ‘cast’ elements. The author, however, fails to inform that by the late 18th century casting of decorative details had become the normal practise in most houses, large and small. Similarly, the two houses singled out for comparative purposes, Russborough House and Leinster House, are about 50 years older than Aldborough House. They are in a completely different architectural style and employed hand modelled decoration as casting of the high relief decoration which was fashionable when they were built was not possible. These houses are, therefore, in the Society’s opinion, inappropriate comparisons and their selection does not assist in making a balanced informed assessment of the architectural and decorative significance of Aldborough House.

(d)        The statement, at page 23: ‘Aldborough House is not a beautiful building, nor was it ‘a successful building in terms of its use as a residence.’’ would seem to suggest that the reason for the building not remaining long in use as a residence was on the grounds of its architectural qualities. A similar statement is made on p. 19 and p. 58. However, the Conservation Plan completely ignores the fact that following the Act of Union, and the migration of political magnates and grandees to London, most of these large townhouses were no longer needed as residences. Aldborough House was only one of several large townhouses, including Leinster House, Powerscourt House, Belvedere House and Tyrone House, which fell out of use as residences and were adapted to institutional uses in the years following the Union.

(e)        The Conservation Plan states, on page 58, that ‘Contained within high boundary walls and obscured by subsequent development, the house contributes nothing to its immediate surroundings.’ This is an unhelpful statement as it almost suggests that the house is largely invisible within the urban context. Aldborough House is a dominant feature on Portland Row and is a key historic and cultural landmark in this part of the city. At present, the bulk of at least three sides of the house are clearly visible over its boundary walls from several vantage points within the area. It is noted that the proposed development will largely obscure the two side elevations and will obstruct raking views of the front elevation from along Portland Row and from the North Strand at Five Lamps.

The Society is also concerned by the basis for the rationale for the chosen design approach. Specifically, in justifying the design approach for the new additions to Aldborough House Section 4.1. of the Design Statement states: ‘that there are numerous precedents in Dublin of large historic houses being absorbed into the urban grain.’ However, none of the exemplars presented have been absorbed into the urban grain in the manner proposed for Aldborough House. From the outset, both Belvedere House and Charlemont House were always intended to be flanked by tall four-storey over basement town houses. Powerscourt House was built as a free-standing mansion in an existing urban streetscape flanked by smaller scale townhouses. Iveagh House was also a free-standing house flanked by smaller four-storey townhouses before it was extended in the later 19th century.

Moreover, the Conservation Plan states, on page 43, that the rear and side elevations ‘were not designed to be seen from the public domain’ and that are plain brick facades – and presumably therefore of little significance. When first built, and as is the case today, these elevations are highly visible from the public domain owing to the scale of the house and the surrounding walls and, in the opinion of the Society, it is unture to suggest that the original architect would not have been aware of this. While the facades are built in brick rather than stone, they have limestone platbands at ground and first-floor level while at roof level there is a full entablature with a moulded cornice and blocking course. Therefore, these facades cannot be regarded as entirely plain. It is also noted that Christine Casey states that the facades were originally plastered and lined and ruled out. It would also appear that these facades, along with the front elevation had an open balustered parapet surmounted by urns and statues. These features are shown on no less than four engravings as follows:

  • 1796 engraving by William Skelton of proposed design on page 7 of the conservation plan
  • Engraving of the front and rear elevations of the house in 1821 on pages 3 & 10
  • 1836 Penny Journal engraving on page 20.

While it is possible that these images were the subject of artistic license, it would be remarkable that three different artists employed the same artistic licence over a forty year period. It should also be noted that the open parapets and urns would to some extent have acted as a counterpoint to the severity of the façades. This should be taken into consideration when considering the architectural merits of the facades. However, it would appear that this has not been done in the Conservation Plan.

Scale of new development on the Aldborough House lands

While the Irish Georgian Society recognises that securing the future of Aldborough House will require compromise, it is essential that the architectural character and significance of the house is protected and maintained as far as possible. The subject application proposes to increase the quantum of floorspace on what little remains of the original setting of Aldborough House by approximately 550% (from 2,679 sq m to 14,720 sq m). The Society has grave concerns about the scale and intensity of new development and the extent of internal alteration proposed for this nationally significant building of architectural heritage significance.

It is respectfully submitted that consideration should be given to the following:

  • The omission of the proposed mezzanines in the first-floor rooms. The scale and height of the first-floor rooms is an essential characteristic of the house and this should not be compromised. The Architectural Heritage Protection Guidelines are clear that “The plan-form of a building is one of its most important characteristics. Where the original plan-form remains, or is readily discernible, it should be identified and respected.”
  • The omission of the corridors linking the office blocks to the main house at second-floor level. This would reduce the degree to which the main house is subsumed into the new development and would allow the profile of the original house to be clearly read against the skyline.
  • Revision of the design of the new office blocks to reduce the impact of new structures on the character and setting of the protected structure. Having regard to the importance of Aldborough House, any new development on the site should be subsidiary to the protected structure. The original house should be the dominant building in views of the site, particularly in views from Portland Row. At a minimum, no element of the proposal should rise above the parapet of Aldborough House, but consideration should be given to reducing the overall height of each of the office blocks to ensure new elements do not appear overly dominant and overbearing in views to and from the protected structure.

The Irish Georgian Society believes that it is essential that the works and repairs to the original house are undertaken at the earliest opportunity to ensure that the building is secured and that there is no further loss of significance. On this basis, the Society requests that Dublin City Council make it a condition of any grant of planning permission that the repairs to the main house commence are undertaken to the satisfaction of the council’s conservation officer, conservation office or an appropriate qualified agent prior to the commencement of any other development on the application site.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any further assistance.

Yours faithfully,

Donough Cahill

Executive Director, Irish Georgian Society


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Summer Docklands Walking Tour - Saturday, 26th August 2017


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Last Saturday, 26 August 2017, Joseph Lynch brought members to explore the Grand Canal Dock. Joseph begins his tour at the Waterways Ireland Visitor Centre where he tracks the early development of docklands in the 18th century changing the shape of Dublin city right through to exploring the recent changes that has created a new urban landscape.











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Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown’s Historic Houses Course - Autumn 2017


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Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown’s Historic Houses Course autumn 2017 The Irish Georgian Society, in association with Dún Laoghaire- Rathdown County Council, has assembled a team of leading conservation experts to deliver a course on the understanding, care and repair of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown’s period and traditionally built houses. Talks will explain protected structure policy and legislation, the importance of preventative maintenance, the benefits of using lime, the correct care of historic ironwork, decorative plasterwork, bricks, roofs and windows, as well as addressing issues of how to sensitively extend your period house, tackle damp and implement energy efficient upgrades. The course will also benefit building professionals and practitioners and is recognised as CPD by the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland, Engineers Ireland, the Irish Planning Institute and the Construction Industry Federation and its Register of Heritage Contractors. The talks will be held in the Royal St. George Yacht Club on six consecutive Wednesday evenings (7pm-9.30pm) in October and November, with two talks per evening.

Book in advance for the whole course at a special discounted price of €130, or attend an individual evening session for €25. Price includes tea/coffee. 

Click here to download the full programme

Book for the full course on-line through Eventbrite.

The IGS Conservation Education Programme is supported by Merrion Property Group and Heather and John Picerne.

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'Exhibiting Art in Georgian Ireland' - An Exhibition Celebrating The Restoration Of The City Assembly House - Summer 2018


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Image: Thomas Roberts A Frost Piece. Private collection. First exhibited in the Exhibition Room, South William Street, in 1769

Exhibiting Art in Georgian Ireland

An Exhibition
Celebrating The Restoration Of The City Assembly House 
Ireland’s First Public Art Gallery

16th June - 29th July 2018

To mark the restoration of the City Assembly House and to celebrate the Society of Artists in Ireland who erected the building over 250 years ago, the Irish Georgian Society will host a world-class exhibition in June and July 2018 of eighteenth-century Irish paintings. 

Celebrating the building’s original incarnation as the first purpose-built public gallery in Britain and Ireland, the Exhibition will re-assemble paintings, including those by Thomas Roberts, Jonathan Fisher, James Forrester, Robert Carver, Robert Healy and Hugh Douglas Hamilton, in the room in which they were first displayed between 1766 and 1780. What makes this exhibition even more exciting is the intention to hang these paintings in a similar manner as they were first exhibited.

Members will have special access to the exhibition, with guided tours and exclusive events to mark the completion of the City Assembly House. An accompanying publication will offer further occasion to revisit and evaluate these stimulating works; assessing Ireland’s first introduction to exhibition culture and the significant contribution it made to an increasingly self-confident national school of Irish art. This will be one of 2018’s great cultural events in Ireland, and should not be missed. 

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Heritage Week 2017 - A rare opportunity to see the Thomas Jervais window in Agher, Co. Meath


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The Irish Georgian Society is delighted to be participating in this year’s National Heritage Week (19 – 27 August), providing locals and visits to Co. Meath with a rare opportunity to view Thomas Jervais’ stained glass window at Agher Church near Summerhill, Co. Meath.

During Heritage Week, visitors will be welcomed to Agher Church on Wednesday 23rd August (12.00pm to 4.00pm). Access is free and guides will be on hand to welcome visitors and to discuss the project. The church is wheelchair accessible. Visitors will have the opportunity to view the window, and learn about the significance of this rare example of eighteenth-century Irish stained glass. 

Depicting the biblical scene of St. Paul preaching to the Athenians, this rare eighteenth-century stained glass window was executed by the Irish artist Thomas Jervais in 1770. The window was originally located in a chapel in Dangan Castle, the childhood home of the Duke of Wellington, but was moved to its current location in 1809 following a devastating fire. Until recently the window was greatly at risk with the leadwork and putty holding the glass in place deteriorating rapidly. With the co-operation of the Select Vestry of Rathmoylan Union of Parishes, and the support of The Heritage Council, Meath County Council and donors in Ireland, the UK and US, the Irish Georgian Society was able to raise €50,000 to conserve this rare window. 

Read more about the conservation project here, or online in our annual magazine.

Image: Detail from the Thomas Jervais (d. 1799) stained glass window at Agher Church, photo: Nick Bradshaw.

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