Alice Mahon Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 1993 BA
Subject: Painting and Photography Country: Various Period: 20th Century
10,000 words
The Art of the Architect. An Exploration of the Relationship Between Art and Architecture in the Work of Arthur Gibney
Niamh Helen Malin Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2015 BA
Subject: Painting, Drawing and Architecture Country: Ireland, Italy and France Period: 20th Century
10,000 words
The Abbeyknockmoy Wall Paintings: An Analyisis of the Wall Paintings at Abbeyknockmoy to Determine if Influence was Sought from the Art of England and Europe
Paige Mallon Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2018 BA
Subject: Wall Painting Country: Ireland Period: 15th Century
10,000 words
Staglieno Cemetery, Genoa
Hannah Malone
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Subject: Architecture and Sculpture
Country: Italy
Period: 19th Century
10,000 words
An Outlier of Style: Situating Paul Bigot’s Institut d’Art et d’Archeologie within the Emergence of Modernism
Claudia Mannix Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2019 BA
Subject: Architecture Country: France Period: 20th century
10,000 words
E.M.O'R. Dickey, A Neglected Artist?
Hilda Markey
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Subject: Wood Engraving Country: Ireland Period: 20th Century
10,000 words
Picasso and Matisse A Study of Artistic Choice
Eimear Marley Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2021 BA
Subject: Painting, Drawing, Mixed Media, Ceramics, Paper Cut Outs Country: France, Spain Period: 20th Century
10,000 words
Pilgrimage and the Bread of Angels: Early Christian Iconography on Irish High Crosses
Kathryn Marr Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2008 MPhil (Irish Art History)
Subject: Sculpture Country: Ireland Period: 8th Century to 12th Century
Supervisor: Dr Rachel Moss 20,000
Black Church Print Studio
Carla Marrinan
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Subject: Print
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th and 21st Century
10,000 words
Glasnevin House
Andrea Marrinan Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2011 BA
Subject: Architecture, Decoration and Stucco Country: Ireland Period: 18th Century
10,000 words
Sacred Divisions: A Consideration of the Triptych's Survival in Contemporary Art
Rachel Marsden Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2012 BA
Subject: Painting and Sculpture Country: Germany, Italy, America and Spain Period: Various
10,000 words
The Science and Art Museum and National Library (1885-1890): An Architectural and Cultural Complex
Eilin Marsh Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2011 MPhil (Irish Art History)
Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland: Dublin
Period: 19th Century
Supervisor: Dr Philip McEvansoneya 20,00
Graphical representation of the child as employed by Alison and Peter Smithson and Aldo van Eyck at the final three CIAM congresses: Explorations in shifting postwar architectural discourse.
Rosemary Marshall Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2007 BA
Subject: Architecture Country: France Period: 20th Century
10,000 words
Investigating the Design of the Berkley Library
Jane Marie Martin
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century
10,000 words
Matisse, Painter of Poetry. Mallarmé, Architect of Words. A study of the interrelations of the Arts, with special reference to interpretation, by Henri Matisse, of the poetry of Stéphane Mellarmé
Judith Martin Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 1997 BA
Subject: Painting and Poetry Country: France Period: 19th and 20th Century
10,000 words
The Temptation of St. Anthony; the Demonic Assaults and Erotic Hallucinations of an Ascetic’s Sensually Starved Soul
Sheena Martin Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2005 BA
Subject: Painting Country: Europe Period: Various
10,000 words
Prince Albert and the National Gallery of Ireland, 1854-64
Eoin Martin Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2010 MPhil (Irish Art History)
Country: Ireland Period: 119th Century
Supervisor: Dr Philip McEvansoneya 20,000
“Stayed by what was, and pulled by what would be”: The Belfast Murals: Their Approach to Iconography and their Ever-changing Role in Today’s Society
Tara Masterson Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2008 BA
Subject: Painting Country: Ireland and Northern Ireland Period: 20th Century
10,000 words
W.B.Yeats and the Portrait Frontispiece
Tycho Mays Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 1992 BA
Subject: Architecture Country: Ireland Period: 19th Century
10,000 words
Painting Happiness: The Utopian Bathing Idylls of Henri-Edmond Cross
Moya Mawhinney Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2021 BA
Subject: Painting Country: England Period: 19th and 20th Century
10,000 words
A Study of the Title in Twentieth-Century Painting
Jessica Maxwell-Gogan Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture
1991 MPhil
Subject: Painting
Period: 20th Century
The Representation and Re-presentation of the human body in early 20th century Italian Art
John Mc Aleer
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Subject: Painting and Sculpture
Country: Italy
Period: 20th Century
10,000 words
Concepts of Ornament: Modern Culture versus Ornament?
Megan Mc Inerney Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2015 BA
Subject: Sculpture and Architecture Country: Europe and America Period: 20th Century
10,000 words
First World War Posters in Britain and Ireland
Anna Mc Sweeney Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 1998 BA
Subject: Posters Country: Britain and Ireland Period: 20th Century