The Creation of an Irish Visual Heritage: The Collection at the Irish Museum of Modern Art
Niamh Ann Kelly
National College of Art and Design
Faculty of History of Art and Design and Complementary Studies
Subject: Painting: Collecting
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century
Supervisor: Dr. Susanne McNab
Approx. 20,000 words
The Myths of Tradition and Authenticity in Dublin Contemporary Pubs
Miriam Ugarte Abollado
National College of Art and Design
School of Visual Culture
MA Design History and Material Culture
Subject: Material Culture
Country: Ireland
15,000-20,000 words
Your Carriage Awaits: Purchasing a Postchaise in Georgian Dublin
Fiona Ahern
National College of Art and Design
School of Visual Culture
MA Design History and Material Culture
Subject: Material Culture
Country: Ireland
Period: 18th Century
Supervisor: Dr Lisa Godson
15,000-20,000 words
Beyond the Screen: The influence of Cinema on Irish Material Culture, 1929-1949
Clare Barman
National College of Art and Design
School of Visual Culture
MA Design History and Material Culture
Subject: Cinema
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century
15,000-20,000 words
Blindness and Visual Culture
Catherine Bates
National College of Art and Design
Faculty of History of Art and Design and Complementary Studies
Subject: Art Theory
Supervisor: Dr. Paul O'Brien
Approx. 20,000 words
Embroidery for Male Suiting in Lyon, 1780-1789: a Cultural Biography of the Designs in the National Museum of Ireland collection presented by J.H. Fitzhenry
Macushla Baudis
National College of Art and Design
Faculty of History of Art and Design and Complementary Studies
Subject: Fashion & Museum Collections
Country: Ireland
Supervisor: Dr Lisa Godson, Hilary O'Kelly
Approx. 80,000 - 100,000 words
Rethinking demolition: an ethos of retention, repair and anticipation in architecture today
Rose Alexander Bonner
National College of Art and Design
School of Visual Culture
MA Design History and Material Culture
Subject: Architecture
Period: 21st Century
15,000-20,000 words
Furniture Design for Industry in Ireland: 1950-1973
Marieke Booth
National College of Art and Design
Faculty of History of Art and Design and Complementary Studies
Subject: Furniture
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century
Supervisor: Dr Paul Caffrey
Approx. 20,000 words
Ephemera and Irish Catholic Identity: A Case Study of the Cachet and Stamps from the 1954 Marian Year
Kim Briggs
National College of Art and Design
School of Visual Culture
MA Design History and Material Culture
Subject: Material Culture
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century
15,000-20,000 words
Alastair MacLennan 1960-1991
Jane Campbell
National College of Art and Design
Faculty of History of Art and Design and Complementary Studies
Subject: Performance Art/Installation
Country: Ireland and Scotland
Period: 20th Century
Supervisor: Joan Fowler
Approx. 30,000 - 40,000 words
The Depiction of Ireland in the Illustrated London News from 1842 to 1900
Margarita Cappock
National College of Art and Design
Faculty of History of Art and Design and Complementary Studies
Country: England: London
Period: Mid to Late 19th Century
Supervisor: John Turpin
Approx. 60,000-80,000 words
Cosmopolitanism & Nationalism: a Cocktail for Consumer Craving in a Rural Irish Department Store
Muireann Charleton
National College of Art and Design
School of Visual Culture
MA Design History and Material Culture
Subject: Retailing History, Shopping and Politics
Supervisor: Anna Moran
15,000-20,000 words
Cover story: keys, money, mask, phone; facing the pandemic [on masks and the COVID pandemic]
Vaari Claffey
National College of Art and Design
School of Visual Culture
MA Design History and Material Culture
Subject: Material Culture
Country: Ireland
Period: 21st Century
Supervisor: Hilary O’Kelly
15,000-20,000 words
Oriental Comfort: An Exploration of the Impact and Influences of Asian Style on Early 20th Century Furniture Design
Raphaelle Clergeau de la Torre
National College of Art and Design
School of Visual Culture
MA Design History and Material Culture
Subject: Furniture
Period: 20th Century
15,000-20,000 words
Michael Scott's Busaras Building, Dublin 1944-1953
Paul Clerkin
National College of Art and Design
Faculty of History of Art and Design and Complementary Studies
Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland: Dublin
Period: 20th Century
Supervisor: Paul Caffrey
Approx. 20,000 words
Núilli Mulcahy, Couturier
Elizabeth Clery
National College of Art and Design
Faculty of History of Art and Design and Complementary Studies
Subject: Fashion: Textiles
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century
Supervisor: Hilary O'Kelly
Approx. 20,000 words
The Empty Cradle: Women's Independence and the Shadows of Men: An Aspect of the Significance of Dun
Jane D. Collins
National College of Art and Design
Faculty of History of Art and Design and Complementary Studies
Subject: Print & Women's Studies
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century
Supervisor: Nicola Gordon Bowe
Approx. 30,000 - 40,000 words
Conflicted Faculties : Rhetoric, Knowledge, Conflict and the University
Michael Wilson
National College of Art and Design
Faculty of History of Art and Design and Complementary Studies
Subject: Critical Theory
Supervisor: Dr Paul O'Brien
Dead Décor: The Design History and Material Culture of Ireland's Taxidermy Industry in the Late 19th Century
Amy Connolly
National College of Art and Design
School of Visual Culture
MA Design History and Material Culture
Subject: Material Culture
Country: Ireland
Period: Late 19th Century
15,000-20,000 words
The history of footwear in Ireland 1800-1990
Tatsiana Coquerel
National College of Art and Design
School of Visual Culture
MA Design History and Material Culture
Subject: Material Culture
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th & 20th Century
Supervisor: David Crowley
15,000-20,000 words
An Examination of Coach Building in 19th Century Dublin
Maria Corbett
National College of Art and Design
Faculty of History of Art and Design and Complementary Studies
Subject: Coaches
Country: Ireland: Dublin
Period: 19th Century
Supervisor: John Turpin
Approx. 20,000 words
A Striking Red Brick Making in Portmarnock, the Plunkett family and the Portmarnock Brick and Terracotta Works from the 18th to the 20th century
Alan Costello
National College of Art and Design
School of Visual Culture
MA Design History and Material Culture
Subject: Material Culture
Country: Ireland
Period: 18th Century to 20th Century
15,000-20,000 words
'Of Ornament and Security' The Building of Dublin's Westmoreland Street
Richard Costelloe
National College of Art and Design
School of Visual Culture
MA Design History and Material Culture
Subject: Architecture / Urban Space
Country: Ireland: Dublin
Supervisor: Dr Lisa Godson
15,000-20,000 words
Sitting Pretty: An Analysis of Ernest Race's Chair designs for the 1951 Festival of Britain
Simon Cowell
National College of Art and Design
School of Visual Culture
MA Design History and Material Culture
Subject: Furniture Design
Country: Britian
Period: 20th Century
Supervisor: Sorcha O'Brien
15,000-20,000 words