The Peasantry and the Intelligentsia in Russian Nineteenth Century Portatiture
William A. Murphy Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 1995 BA
Subject: Painting Country: Russia Period: 19th Century
10,000 words
Touch of Gold: The Semiotic Perception of Gold in Modern and Contemporary Art with a Focus on the Work of Susan Collis
Lorna Murphy Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2012 BA
Subject: Sculpture Country: Italy, Britain, Ireland and America Period: 20th and 21st Century
10,000 words
Would you like Art with That? The Commodification of Art in Hotels and Restaurants
Eavan Murphy Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2015 BA
Subject: Painting Country: Ireland, Britain and America Period: 20th and 21st Century
10,000 words
The Bank of Ireland: A Critical Examination of the Role of Corporate Patronage in Support of the Visual Arts from 1970-1984
Derville Murphy Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2009 MPhil (Irish Art History)
Subject: Art Country: Ireland Period: 20th Century
Supervisor: Dr Yvonne Scott 20,000
Doing it for themselves: Artist-Run Gallery Spaces in Contemporary Ireland
Alexandra Murphy Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2018 PhD
Subject: Curating Period: 21st Century
Supervisor: Dr Yvonne Scott Approx. 60,000 - 80,000 words
George Moore and Women Artists
Avlena Murphy Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 1990 BA
Subject: Painting Country: France and England Period: 19th Century
10,000 words
Arnaldo Pomodoro
Mimi Murphy-O'Connor
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Subject: Sculpture
Country: Italy
Period: 20th and 21st Century
10,000 words
George Petrie 1789-1866
Peter Murray
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Subject: Antiquarian Illustrator
Country: Ireland
Period: 18th and 19th Century
Supervisor: Anne Crookshank
Approx. 30,000-40,000 words
Encaustic Portraiture To Portray the Icon and the Idol
Alexandra Murray Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2015 BA
Subject: Painting Country: Greece, Mexico, Romania, Germany and Poland Period: 360-350 BC, 1-7th Century
10,000 words
Virtual Reality Art 1992-2002
Clara Murray Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2015 BA
Subject: Installation and Technology Country: Various Period: 20th and 21st Century
10,000 words
Contemporary Figuration in Ireland: An Exploration of the Work of James Hanley
Grace Murray-Cavanagh
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Subject: Painting
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th and 21st Century
10,000 words
How has our perception of famous artworks adapted due to an increased understanding of mental health illnesses, looking closely at the works of Vincent Van Gogh?
Shauna Murtagh-Howard Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2024 BA
Subject: Visual Art
10,000 words
The Transformation & Reception of the Late Works of Artemisia
Mollie Myles Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2022 BA
Subject: Painting Country: Italy Period: 17th century
10,000 words
Object, Image, Place. The Serpentine Gallery Pavilions & the Architecture of Spectacle
David Luke Naessens Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2013 BA
Subject: Architecture Country: England Period: 20th and 21st Century
10,000 words
The Blessed Virgin in Irish Visual Culture 1940-1960: The Evolution of the Marian Image in Modern Irish Painting of the mid-20th Century
Tania Naidoo Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2008 BA
Subject: Painting Country: Ireland Period: 20th Century
10,000 words
Sir William Chambers and the Enlightenment
Kenzo Nakakoji
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Subject: Architecture
Country: Britain, Ireland and France
Period: 18th Century
10,000 words
Liturgy and Architecture in Medieval Ireland ca. 1100- c.1315: Evidence from the Diocese of Killaloe
Frances Narkiewicz Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2011
Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland
Period: 12th Century to 14th Century
Supervisor: Dr Roger Stalley
Approx. 60,000 - 80,000 words
What Did the Pilgrims Learn: A Study of the 12th Century Pilgrimage Churches Along the Le Puy Route in France.
Emma Newman Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2014 BA
Subject: Architecture and Sculpture Country: France Period: 12th Century
10,000 words
The Cathedral of St. Patrick’s, Rock of Cashel, Co. Tipperary
Mairead Ní Chonghaile Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 1998 BA
Aoife Ni Dhubhain
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Subject: Film Art / Art Theory
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th and 21st Century
10,000 words
Branding Dublin: ‘Starchitects’ negotiating city identity
Sorcha Ní Lideadha Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2011 BA
Subject: Architecture Country: Ireland Period: 20th and 21st Century
10,000 words
Traditional Irish Music in Art: Examining Identity and Nationalism
Sabhbh Ni Mhaolagain Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2015 BA
Subject: Various Country: Ireland Century: 20th Century
10,000 words
Images of Constantine: A History of the iconography of the Horse Riding figure in 12th century Irish
Amy Ni Mhurchu
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Subject: Sculpture
Country: Ireland
Period: 12th Century
10,000 words
The Development of Architectural Preservation and Conservation in Practice in Ireland following the Influence of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
Áine Ní Mhurchú Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2022 BA
Subject: Architecture Country: Ireland Period: 18th - 21st century