Unravelling the origins of the Raphael Cartoons in the National Gallery of Ireland: An Investigation of the Origins of the NGI Cartoons and their Relationship to the Raphael Tapestry Cartoons in the V & A
Christine Carey Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2011 BA
Subject: Painting, Cartoons, Tapestry and Restoration Country: Ireland and Italy Period: 16th Century
10,000 words
Guillaume Guillon-Lethiere (1760-1832) An investigation into the life and works of al mixed-race Caribbean artist in pre and post-revolutionary France
Sophie Carey Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2018 BA
Subject: Painting Country: France Period: 18th and 19th Century
10,000 words
‘Not Many Years Ago Inhabited’ A Critical Evaluation of the Restoration of Bremore Castle, Balbriggan
Ronan Carey Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2016 BA
Subject: Architecture Country: Ireland Century: 16th Century
10,000 words
An Tur Gloine and Michael Healy (1873-1941)
David Caron
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Subject: Stained Glass
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th to 20th Century
Supervisor: Anne Crookshank
Approx. 60,000 - 80,000 words
‘A Blind Alley’: The Cessation of Paul Egestorff’s Artistic Career
Nicola Carroll
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Subject: Painting and Sculpture
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century
10,000 words
Caravaggio’s Gay Guys?
Shannon Carroll Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2017 BA
Subject: Painting Country: Italy Period: 17th Century
10,000 words
The Eighteenth Century Hospitals in Dublin
Noreen Casey
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland
Period: 18th Century
10,000 words
Books and Builders: A Bibliographical Approach to Irish Eighteenth Century Architecture
Christine Casey
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Subject: Architectural Publications
Country: Ireland
Period: 18th Century
Approx. 60,000 - 80,000 words
Luxury Modernism. A Contradiction in Terms? Investigation Modern Opulence at the Villa Cavrois by Robert Mallet-Stevens
Timothy Casserly Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2019 BA
Subject: Architecture Country: France Period: 20th Century
10,000 words
Images of Music in Religious and Genre Paintings in Seventeenth Century Italy and Spain
Ciara Cavanagh
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Subject: Painting
Country: Italy and Spain
Period: 17th Century
10,000 words
The Construction of a Divine Image to Consolidate the Power of the Byzantine Empress 300-550 AD
Sean Ceroni Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2019 BA
‘Who Will Save Us? We Will Save Ourselves’ Queer Artists’ Responses to the AIDS Crisis: The Connection Between the Erotic and Activist
Kyle Chambers Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2018 BA
Subject: Mixed Media Country: USA Period: 20th and 21st Century
10,000 words
Salvator Rosa: A Study of his Portraits and Self-Portraits
Katy Cherry
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Subject: Painting
Country: Italy
Period: 17th Century
10,000 words
A catalogue of the paintings and architectural drawings in the possession of Major E.A.S Cosby of Stradbally Hall with lists of the drawings and the prints
Lucv Chevenix Trench Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 1977 BA
Subject: Paintings & Architectural drawing Country: Ireland Period 18th Century
10,000 words
A Challenge to Tradition: Examining the Role of Costume in Costume in Contemporary Irish Step Dance
Sarah Churchill Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2008 MPhil (Irish Art History)
Subject: Costume Country: Ireland Period: 21st Century
Supervisor: Dr Yvonne Scott 20,000
Tastemakers An Analysis of Taste in a Postmodern Context
Adriana Ciravegna Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2013 BA
Subject: Painting, Architecture and Mixed Media Country: England and America Period: 20th and 21st Century
10,000 words
Viennese Actionism; the Body as a Medium
Jennifer Claffey Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2012 BA
Subject: Performance Art Country: Austria Period: 20th and 21st Century
10,000 words
Unveiling the Existential Element in Louis le Brocquy’s Presence Series
Helen Lee Claffey Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2017 BA
Subject: Painting Country: Ireland Period: 20th Century
10,000 words
“Heroism, royalty and the Street.” The Life and Works of Jean-Michel Basquiat
Dan Clancy Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2004 BA
Subject: Painting Country: America Period: 20th Century
10,000 words
The Black Paintings of Goya
Caroline Clarke
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Subject: Painting, Drawing and Print
Country: Spain
Period: 18th and 19th Century
10,000 words
"A Pair of Eyes". (Henry George Quin as a "neo-classical Irish Grand Tourist".)
Jacqueline Clarke
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Subject: art
Country: The Grand Tour
Period: 18th Century
10,000 words
Three Stained Glass Windows in the Diocese of Meath and Kildare. ( by Alfred Earnest Child, Michael Healy, and Harry Clarke)
Rachel Clarke Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 1994 BA
Subject: Stained Glass Country: Ireland Period: 20th Century
10,000 words
A Comparative Study: Museum Displays of Fashion (1950-2021)
Julia Clarke Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2021 BA
Subject: Fashion Country: England, USA Period: 20th & 21st Century
10,000 words
The Damnatio Memoriae of Seventeenth Century Female Artists: How Judith Leyster, Artemisia Gentileschi and Michaelina Wautier Survived Misattribution
Annie Mae Clear Trinity College Dublin Department of History of Art and Architecture 2020 BA
Subject: Painting Country: France, Holland and Italy Period: 17th Century