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Conceptualizing Authenticity: A Study on Return of Demon Queller Zhong Kai from the Chester Beatty Library

Yitao Qian
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (minor thesis)

Subject: Painting/ Mythology
Country: China
Period: 17th Century

Supervisor: Professor Kathleen James-Chakraborty
79 pages

The National Self-Portrait Collection of Ireland (N.S.P.C.I)

Alison Quaid
University of Limerick
College of Humanities, Department of History (History of Art Postgraduate Courses only)

Subject: Art
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th and 21st Century

Supervisor: Catherine Lawless
21,000 words

Ethics and Challenges facing Museums in the Twenty-First Century

Fiona Quill
University of Limerick
College of Humanities, Department of History (History of Art Postgraduate Courses only)

Period: 21st Century

Supervisor: Catherine Lawless
21,000 words

The Caravaggist Magdalene: The French Connection

Alannah Quillinan
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: Italy
Period: 17th Century

Supervisor: Dr. Philip Cottrell
15,000 words

Albers : Investigating the Semiotic World of Josef Albers’ Art

Katherine Quinlan
University College Cork
Faculty of Arts and Celtics Studies' Department of History of Art

Subject: Painting
Country: Europe and U.S.A.
Period: 20th Century

20,000 words

Perspectives on the Career of George Wilkinson: Workhouse Architect in England and Ireland

Beth-Ann M Quinn
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Architecture
Country: England and Ireland
Period: 19th Century

Supervisor: Dr. Christine Casey
15,000 words

The Study of an Oil sketch Attributed to Sir John Everett Millais at the Hugh Lane Municipal Gallery, Dublin

Róisín Quinn
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: England
Period: 19th century

Supervisor: Dr Christine Casey
15,000 words

The Female Society Portraits of Gustav Klimt

Megan Natasha Randall
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: Europe: Vienna
Period: 19th - 20th Century

Supervisor: Dr. Paula Murphy
15,000 words

Art Auctions in Dublin 1700-1830

Dorothy Redmond
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: Ireland
Period: 18th century and early 19th century

Supervisor: Dr Nicola Figgis
15,000 words

Breaking the Illusion Pentimenti and the Humanisation of Artists

Alex Reilly
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: Italy, Spain and the Netherlands
Period: 16th and 17th Century

Supervisor: Dr Philip Cottrell
15,000 words

Expanding Engagement with Alternative Spaces: Preservation for Future Aesthetic Consideration in the Working Class Domestic Interior

Sinéad Kathy Rice
University College Cork
Faculty of Arts and Celtics Studies' Department of History of Art

Subject: Interior Architecture
Country: Ireland

20,000 words

Photo Booth Exposures: a Comparison of Francis Bacon and Andy Warhol’s relationship with photography

Maree Rigney
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Photography and Painting
Country: Ireland and America
Period: 21st Century

Supervisor: Professor Kathleen James-Chakraborty and Dr Margarita Cappock
15,000 words

An Exploration of the Use of Synthetic Mediums in Modern Irish Art with a Concentration on the Painters Micheal Farrell, Robert Ballagh and Charles Harper

Stephan Roche
University of Limerick
College of Humanities, Department of History (History of Art Postgraduate Courses only)

Subject: Art
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century to 21st Century

Supervisor: Catherine Lawless
21,000 words

Some Seventeenth Century Paintings of the Old Irish and Norman Irish Families after the Flight of the Earls

Eivlin Roden
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: painting
Country: Ireland
Period: 17th century

Supervisor: Dr Nicola Figgis
15,000 words

The Influence of Abstract Expressionism on the Work of Nancy Wynne-Jones and Sean McSweeney

Michael Rowley
University of Limerick
College of Humanities, Department of History (History of Art Postgraduate Courses only)

Subject: Painting
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century

Supervisor: Catherine Lawless
Approx. 33,000 words

Dalí: Surrealism, Psychoanalysis and the Paranoiac-Critical Method

Damian Ruddy
University College Cork
Faculty of Arts and Celtics Studies' Department of History of Art

Subject: Painting
Country: Spain
Period: 20th Century

20,000 words

A Comparative Study of Theatrical Prints Produced in Edo and London During the Eighteenth-Century

Evelyn Ryan
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Prints
Country: London and Edo
Period: 18th Century

Supervisor: Prof. Kathleen James-Chakraborty
15,000 words

Regenerating Limerick: The Role of Public Art in Ireland's National City of Culture 2014

Laura Ryan
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Public Art
Country: Ireland
Period: 21st Century

Supervisor: Dr. Emily Mark-FitzGerald
15,000 words

The Colonization of the French Nude by the "Other" between 1827 and 1917. The influence of colonial society on the social attitude towards the nude and its description in nineteenth and twentieth century France.

Jeanine Ryan
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: painting
Location: Europe
Period: 19th- 20th Century

Supervisor: Dr Philip Cottrell
15,000 words

The Factors that Influenced the Classical Design of the Mansion House in Demesnes in Limerick c. 1770 to c 1820

Michael Ryan
University of Limerick
College of Humanities, Department of History (History of Art Postgraduate Courses only)

Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland: Limerick
Period: Late 18th to 19th Century

Supervisor: Catherine Lawless
21,000 words

Modern Art, the Museum and the Art Market: Contextualising the role of Sergei Ivanovich Shckukin in Early modernism

AnneMarie Saliba
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (Minor Thesis)

Subject: Shchukin Collection of Modern Art
Country: Russia and Paris
Period: 20th Century

Supervisor: Dr Róisín Kennedy
68 pages

Modern Art, the Museum and the Art Market: Contextualising the Role of Sergei Ivanovich Shckukin in Early Modernism

AnneMarie Saliba
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (minor thesis)

Subject: Shchukin Collection of Modern Art
Country: Russia and Paris
Period: 20th Century

Supervisor: Dr Róisín Kennedy
68 pages

The Court Painter and the Cur: The Impact of Titian on the Painting of Caravaggio

Lindsay Schiller
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: Italy
Period: 16th Century

Supervisor: Dr Philip Cottrell
15,000 words

The New Lens of War Photography: Transition of War-Themed Photojournalism into the Art Gallery and Museum

Victoria M. Schwab
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Photography
Location: world
Period: contemporary

Supervisor: Professor Kathleen James-Chakraborty
15,000 words