Education Theses Register —
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

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Kenure Park, Rush, Co Dublin

Eimear Synott
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland: Dublin
Period: 18th and 19th Century

Supervisor: Professor Michael McCarthy and Dr. Christine Casey
15,000 words

Maria Spilsbury Taylor (1777-1820)

Eva Sztabholz
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Women Portrait Artists
Country: Ireland and England
Period: 18th and 19th century

Supervisor: Dr Nicola Figgis
15,000 words

(En)acting Democracy: Practice and Policy in Contemporary Irish Collaborative Art

David Teevan
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Irish Contemporary Art
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century

Supervisor: Associate Professor Emily Mark-FitzGerald
283 pages

A Modern Dance of the Death: The Resurrection of the Totentanz in German Expressionist Art

Jodie Thomas
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: German Expressionist Art
Country: Germany
Period: 20th Century

Supervisor: Professor Kathleen James-Chakraborty
15,000 words

A Social History of Fifteenth Century Irish Effigial Tomb Sculpture

Leslie Ann Thornton
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (Minor Thesis)

Subject: Tomb Sculpture/Iconography
Country: Ireland
Period: 15th Century

Supervisor: Dr Sean Leatherbury
132 pages

Houses of the Great: An Architectural Examination of J.J. McCarthy's Cathedrals

Shelby Todd
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th Century

Supervisor: Associate Professor Lynda Mulvin
15,000 words

The Evolvement of the Artistic Career of Matthias Stom in Southern Italy

Benedetta Tramontozzi
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (minor thesis)

Subject: Renaissance
Country: Italy
Period: 17th Century

Supervisor: Associate Professor John Loughman
123 pages

The Evolvement of the Artistic Career of Matthias Stom in Southern Italy

Benedetta Tramontozzi
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (Minor Thesis)

Subject: Renaissance
Country: Northern and Southern Italy
Period: 17th Century

Supervisor: Associate Professor John Loughman
123 pages

Clonmel House, Harcourt Street

Frederic Trench
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland: Dublin
Period: Late 18th Century

Supervisor: Dr. Christine Casey
15,000 words

Frida Kahlo’s Journey Through Motherhood Miscarriages, Procreation and Her Dolls

Olga Tsismetzoglou
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (Minor Thesis)

Subject: Procreation
Country: Mexico and the USA
Period: 20th Century

Supervisor: Dr Aleksandra Gajowy
56 pages

“The Art of Surprise” The Maire MacNeilly Sweeney Bequest at the National Gallery of Ireland

Julie Tyrrell
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century

Supervisor: Dr. John Loughman
15,000 words

The Role of Women in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London and the Exposition Universelle of 1855 in Paris

Paula Van Herk
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: painting, sculpture, gender
Country: England and France
Period: 20th century

Supervisor: Dr Paula Murphy
15,000 words

Recycling Art: Contemporary Artists Creating New Art From Old

Michaela Vávová
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (Minor Thesis)

Subject: Contemporary/New Art
Country: Brazil/USA/Ukraine
Period: 20th and 21st Century

Supervisor: Dr Sean Leatherbury
66 pages

A Brief Survey on 19th Century Decorative Ironwork

Bernadette Walsh
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Architecture: Ironwork
Period: 19th Century

Supervisor: Dr. Christine Casey
15,000 words

Institutionalising modern Consumption, market buildings and department stores in Chinese cities: 1930s-1950s

Zhengfeng Wang
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Retail Buildings/ Architecture
Country: China
Period: 20th Century

Supervisor: Professor Kathleen James-Chakraborty
187 pages

Reconstructing a Region – Rioja and its Wineries

Louis Weyhe Funder
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Modern Spanish Architecture
Country: Spain
Period: 20th and 21st Century

Supervisor: Professor Kathleen James-Chakraborty
80,000-100,000 words

Giambattista Tiepolo in Spain: the late religious paintings

Catherine Whistler
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: Spain
Period: 18th Century

Supervisor: Professor Alistair Rowan
80,000-100,000 words

Foreseeing and Transmitting Arcadia: Perspective visualization in landscape architectural design

Sabrina Wilk
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Architecture
Country: various
Period: various

Supervisor: Professor Kathleen James-Chakraborty
80,000-100,000 words

An Iconographical Interpretation of the ‘Ancestors’ of Christ’ in the Lunettes of the Sistine Chapel

Elizabeth Williams
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: Italy
Period: 16th Century

Supervisor: Dr. Philip Cottrell
15,000 words

The Changing Roman Religious Identity as Documented by pagan and Christian Sarcophagi Iconography

Sarah Wilson
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Sculpture
Country: Italy
Period: Early Christian

Supervisor: Dr. Lynda Mulvin
15,000 words

Foreign Cults in Rome and their Origins: Questioning the Non-Roman Identification of Magna Mater, Palmyrene Deities and Sol

Sarah Wilson
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Roman & Eastern Religions and Cultural History
Country: Rome and the Middle East
Period: 1st Century BC- 3rd Century AD

Supervisor: Dr Lynda Mulvin
80,000-100,000 words

Wladystaw Podkowisku’s Frenzy of Exultations

Cathy Wojnicki
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: Poland
Period: 19th Century

Supervisor: Dr Philip Cottrell
15,000 words

Viewing Venus: Roman Women and the Goddess of Love, Beauty and Desire

Maria Wood
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (minor thesis)

Subject: Roman Antiquity
Country: Rome/ Italy
Period: Republican Rome

Supervisor: Dr Séan Leatherbury
50 pages

Viewing Venus: Roman Women and the Goddess of Love, Beauty and Desire

Mari Wood
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (Minor Thesis)

Subject: Roman Antiquity
Country: Rome/Italy
Period: Republican Rome

Supervisor: Dr Séan Leatherbury
50 pages