Education Theses Register —
Trinity College Dublin

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Georges Jeanniot (1848-1934) Artist and Soldier

Thomas Hodson
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Painting
Country: France
Period: 19th Century to early 20th Century

Approx. 30,000 - 40,000 words

Kilmallock Dominican Priory

Arlene Hogan
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland
Period: 13th Century

10,000 words

Christ’s Sign of Benediction An Interaction Between Art & Spectator

Sophie Joy Hogan
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Painting and Manuscripts
Country: Italy, France and Belgium
Period: 15th and 16th Century

10,000 words

A Comparison between the Vanitas paintings of Northern (Protestant) Europe and Southern (Catholic) Europe during the Dutch Golden Age (1588- 1672)

Suzanne Holland - Mayes
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Still Life, Painting
Country: Europe
Period: 17th century

10,000 words

La Collegiale Saint - Aubin de Guerande.

John Ronald P. H. Holmes
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Architecture
Country: France
Period: 12th- 15th Century

10,000 words

Decorative Tiling in Historic Irish Architecture

Ruairi Holohan
Trinity College Dublin
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Building Repair and Conservation

Subject: Decorative tiling
Country: Ireland

Approx. 15,000 words

Summerhill House, Co. Meath A Palace Among Houses

Robert Andrew Holton
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland
Period: 18th and 19th Century

10,000 words

The Dublin Millennium Sculpture Symposium - A Uniquely “Irish” Symposium

Niamh Hooper
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Sculpture
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century

10,000 words

An examination of the building defects and repairs adopted on the restoration of the Iveagh Buildings Estate from Bride Street to Bull Alley Street, with a technical review and recommendations for a maintenance, preservation and conservation strategy for

Ronan Howe
Trinity College Dublin
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Building Repair and Conservation

Subject: Architecture, conservation
Country: Ireland
Period: 18th - 21st Century

Approx. 15,000

Blasphemy in Art: Blasphemous Christian Themes in Contemporary Fine Art

Catherine Howley
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Painting, Sculpture, Prints and Mixed Media
Country: America, England, Germany and Russia
Period: 20th to 21st Century

10,000 words

An appraisal of insulation products for masonry walls in traditional dwellings.

Javier Huerta Perez
Trinity College Dublin
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Building Repair and Conservation

Subject: Architecture, conservation
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th - 21st Century

Approx. 15,000

Conservation of Industrial Architecture

Liz Hughes
Trinity College Dublin
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Building Repair and Conservation

Subject: Industrial Architecture
Country: Ireland

Approx. 15,000

Cranach’s Eve: An Exegetical Examination of the Representation of Eve in the Sixteenth Century ‘Luther Bible’

Eleanor Huges
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Paining, Manuscripts, Books and Prints
Country: Germany
Century: 16th Century

10,000 words

Angelica Kauffmann: A Female Artist’s Work in Ireland

Michaela Hughes
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Painting, Drawing and Applied Arts
Country: Ireland
Period: 18th and 19th Century

10,000 words

Metal Bootscrapers in Dublin City

Sinead Hughes
Trinity College Dublin
Department of Civic, Structural & Environmental Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Building Repair and Conservation

Subject: Conservation
Country: Ireland

Approx. 15,000

From Subversion to Celebration: The Emergence of a Domestic Avant-Garde in Contemporary Irish Art

Jane Humphries
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
MPhil (Irish Art History)

Subject: Art
Country: Ireland
Period: 21st Century

Supervisor: Dr Yvonne Scott

(Re)Imagining the Domestic in Contemporary Irish Art

Humphries, Jane
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Art
Country: Ireland
Period: 21st Century

SUpervisor: Dr Yvonne Scott
Approx. 60,000-80,000 words

The Print Room at Castletown House, Co. Kildare

Fiona Mary Hunt
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Print
Country: Ireland
Period: 18th Century

10,000 words

The Robing Room, Kilkenny

Aoife Hurley
Trinity College Dublin
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Building Repair and Conservation

Subject: Conservation and restoration
Country: Ireland

Approx. 15,000

Yann Renard Goulet 1914-1999: A Celtic Nationalist

Rossa Hurley
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
MPhil (Irish Art History)

Subject: Sculpture
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th Century

Supervisor: Dr Yvonne Scott

Public & Private Improvements in Eighteenth-Century Ireland: the Case of the Conynghams of Slane, 1703-1821

Livia Hurley
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Country: Ireland
Period: 18th Century

Supervisor: Dr. Edward McParland
Approx. 30,000-40,000 words

Framing the Nation: Making the Case for an Irish National Portrait Gallery

Emily Hussey
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Painting
Country: Ireland, America
Period: 20th Century

10,000 words

James Arthur O'Connor

John Hutchinson
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Painting
Country: Ireland and England
Period: 19th Century

Supervisor: Anne Crookshank
Approx. 30,000-40,000 words

Divining Bloodshed Examining the Theme of Blood in Devotional Imagery of the Early Modern Period

Meabh Hyland
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Painting and Sculpture
Country: Italy, Spain, Belgium, Germany and Holland
Period: 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th Century

10,000 words