Education Theses Register —
Trinity College Dublin

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The Importance of St. Paul and St. Anthony on the Irish High cross

Heather Kelly
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Sculpture and High Cross
Country: Ireland
Period: 9th and 10th Century

10,000 words

The Representation of the Male Nude by Female Artists. Developing a New Visual Language

Judy Kelly
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Painting, Sculpture and Slide Installation
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century

10,000 words

Roman Funerary Architecture: An Assessment of its Role in the Development of Cemeteries in Nineteenth Century Europe

Gemma Kelly
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Architecture and Sculpture
Country: Italy, France and Ireland
Period: Ancient Rome and 19th Century

10,000 words

Little between Life and Work: Niki de Saint-Phalle and Tracey Emin A study of the relationship between art and the function of the literary diary

Carolyn Kelly
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Digital media and Sculpture
Country: England and France
Period: 20th Century

10,000 words

An Examination of the Production of Irish Metalwork Facsimiles, 1840-1910

Tara Kelly
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture
MPhil (Irish Art History)

Subject: Metalwork, Drawing
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th Century and Early 20th Century

Supervisor: Dr Rachel Moss

Perfect Ambition, Thomas Bodkin : a Life, with Particular Reference to his Influence on the Early Development of Irish Cultural Policy

Anne Kelly
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Iconography
Country: Germany
Period: 20th Century

Products of the Celtic Revival: Facsimiles of Irish Archaeological Metalwork and Jewellery, 1890-1940

Tara Kelly
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Facsimiles, Metalwork
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th Century to 20th Century

Supervisor: Dr Philip McEvansoneya
Approx. 60,000 - 80,000 words

The Architecture of Public Space in Renaissance Venice and How that Architecture Aids to Public Festivals

Alice Kelly
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Architecture
Country: Italy
Period: 15th to 16th Centuries

10,000 words

The Vengeful Woman: The Development of Images of Medea in Painting and Drawing of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Niamh Kelly
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Painting, Drawig
Period: 18th & 19th Century

10,000 words

Theatricality and Vibrancy in the Allegorical Figures of Paolo Veronese

Valerie Somers Kelly
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Painting
Country: Italy
Period: 17th Century

10,000 words

Fashioning the Matriarch: The Role of Dress in Female Portraiture (1575-1630)

Éabha Kelly
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Potraiture, Fashion
Country: Europe
Period: 16th Century

10,000 words

Home is Where the Hearth is- Restoring and Conserving Vernacular Architecture

Sharon Kelly
Trinity College Dublin
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Building Repair and Conservation

Subject: Vernacular Architecture
Country: Ireland

Approx. 15,000

Lost in Translation: An Exploration of the Dialogue between Chinese Contemporary Art and the West

Julia Kelly Kennedy
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Mixed Media, Painting, Performance and Prints
Country: America, China, France, Italy and Russia
Period: 20th to 21st Century

10,000 words

An investigation of Phil Collins’ ‘the return of the real’ installation at the 2006 Turner Prize

Daniel Kennedy
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Photography and Film
Country: United Kingdom and Turkey
Period: 21st Century

10,000 words

Old St. Mary's Church, Clonmel: An architectural history

Christina Kennedy
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland
Period: 13th, 14th, 15th, 19th and 20th Century

10,000 words

Irish Art and Modernism 1920-1949

Samuel Brian Kennedy
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Painting, Sculpture
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century

Supervisor: Anne Crookshank
Approx. 60,000 - 80,000 words

Reflections on Psychotic Art

Anne Kennedy
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Drawing and Painting
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th Century

10,000 words

Andy Goldsworthy: The Nature of Nature

Ann Kenny
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Multimedia
Country: United Kingdom
Period: 20th Century

10,000 words

Jackson Pollock’s Classic Drip Paintings: A Synthesis of Process and Product to Outline the Artistic Merit of his Work

Aoife Kenny
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Painting
Country: America
Period: 20th Century

10,000 words

The Development of Lord Edward Street

Mary Margaret Keogh
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Architecture / Urban Planning
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th Century

10,000 words

The Real Tennis Court, Lambay Island, Dublin. Conservation Proposal

Liam Keogh
Trinity College Dublin
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Building Repair and Conservation

Subject: Conservation
Country: Ireland

Approx. 15,000

Daniel Robertson : His career and work in Ireland

Nicola Mary Keogh
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th Century

10,000 words

Sculpture in the Piazza della Signoria: Politics and Power in Renaissance Florence

Sorcha Keogh
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Sculpture
Country: Italy
Period: 15th and 16th Century

10,000 words

A Collection's Life- Understanding the Agency of Preventive Conservation

Enid Nori Kerenyi
Trinity College Dublin
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Subject: Painting
Country: Ireland, Scotland
Period: 19th Century

10,000 words