Education Theses Register —
University College Dublin

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The Domestic Landscape of the Guinness Family in the Liffey Valley, Co. Dublin: A Study of their History and Conservation

Shona O’Keeffe
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Master in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Conservation and restoration of historic buildings
Country: Ireland

20,000-40,000 words

Richard Pierce: Architect and Acolyte of the Gothic Revival

Barry O'Leary
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th Century

Supervisor: Dr. Christine Casey
15,000 words

An Investigation of Cork City Centre's Quaysides and their Role in Retaining the Historical Link to the City's Maritime

Niall O’Mahony
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Maritime heritage
Country: Ireland

20,000-40,000 words

Locational factors in Irish housing

Tuathal M. O’Muire
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters of Architectural Science

Subject: City Planning
Country: Ireland

The Apollo Rooms of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries with particular reference to the stucco technique and decoration of no.85

Karina O’Neill
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: architecture: plasterwork
Country: Ireland
Period: 18th Century

Supervisor: Dr Christine Casey
15,000 words

The Sources and Use of Roofing slate in Nineteenth-Century Ireland

Garrett O’Neill
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Roofing
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th Century

20,000-40,000 words

Timothy Hevey: an episode in Irish high Victorian architecture

Sean O'Reilly
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th Century

Supervisor: Professor Alistair Rowan
80,000-100,000 words

An Introduction to Victorian Railway Architecture in Ireland

Brenda Rose O'Reilly
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (research)

Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th Century

Supervisor: Professor Alistair Rowan

Corrugated Iron in Ireland

Barry O’Reilly
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Iron
Country: Ireland

20,000-40,000 words

Clontra- The Convergence of Art and Architecture in the creation of a Victorian Gothic retreat in the Dublin suburbs

Mary O’Riordan
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Architecture and Decorative Arts
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th century

Supervisor: Dr Lynda Mulvin
15,000 words

The Attempts to Found an Academy of Art in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century, in Context

Patrick O'Rourke
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (research)

Country: Ireland
Period: 18th Century

Supervisor: Dr. John O'Grady

The Protection of Historic Interiors in Ireland

Mona V. O’Rourke
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Interior architecture
Country: Ireland

20,000-40,000 words

Francis Johnston's Architecture: With particular reference to some of his neo-classical houses

Edmund O’Shea
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Architectural history
Country: Ireland

20,000-40,000 words

The Life and Work of Aloysius O’Kelly, Citizen Artist

Niamh O'Sullivan
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: Ireland and France
Period: 19th and Early 20th Century

Supervisor: Dr. Paula Murphy
80,000-100,000 words

Fair Street and Drogheda: The Eighteenth Century town, the streets and its houses: Surviving to the Twenty-first Century?

Una O’Tierney
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Conservation and restoration
Country: Ireland
Period: 18th Century

20,000-40,000 words

House fires: A study

Paul O’Toole
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters of Architectural Science

Subject: Fire Preservation
Country: Ireland

Supervisor: Professor J. Owen Lewis

‘Churches as Cultural Entities’: A Case Study on St Brendan’s Cathedral

Grace O'Boyle
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (minor thesis)

Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th and 20th century

Supervisor: Dr Lynda Mulvin
56 pages

The Evolution Of A Network: Artistamps From Counterculture To Consumer Culture

Caroline O'Connor
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (minor thesis)

Subject: Mail Art and Artistamps
Country: USA
Period: 20th Century and 21st Century

Supervisor: Dr Conor Lucey
57 pages

The Evolution Of A Network: Artistamps From Counterculture To Consumer Culture

Caroline O’Connor
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (Minor Thesis)

Subject: Mail Art and Artistamps
Country: USA
Period: 20th and 21st Century

Supervisor: Dr Conor Lucey
57 pages

The laughing cure? Visually Satirising the Spanish ‘Flu in Punch, Le Rire and Simplicissimus A Comparative Analysis of Cartoons Depicting the “Spanish Flu” Pandemic of 1918-19 in Weekly Satirical Magazines

Alice O'Donoghue
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (minor thesis)

Subject: Political Satire
Country: Spanish/ European
Period: 20th Century

Supervisor: Associate Professor Emily Mark-FitzGerald
78 pages

The laughing cure? Visually Satirising the Spanish ‘Flu in Punch, Le Rire and Simplicissimus A Comparative Analysis of Cartoons Depicting the “Spanish Flu” Pandemic of 1918-19 in Weekly Satirical Magazines

Alice O’Donoghue
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (Minor Thesis)

Subject: Political Satire
Country: Spanish/European
Period: 20th Century

Supervisor: Associate Professor Emily Mark-FitzGerald
78 pages

Assessing the significance of Irwin Hollander’s New York print workshop in the canon of modern American collaborative print workshops, through the lens of the collection of prints housed in the Limerick City Gallery of Art

Rory O’Mahony
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (Minor Thesis)

Subject: Print Making and Museums
Country: Ireland and the USA
Period: 20th Century

Supervisor: Dr Aleksandra Gajowy
74 pages

Art, Politics and Community: An Insight into the Political Murals of N. Ireland

Sarah Oeser
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century

Supervisor: Dr. John Loughman
15,000 words

The Jervis Estate

Belik Olga
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: City Planning
Country: Ireland

20,000-40,000 words