Education Theses Register —
University College Dublin

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Cure, Care and Containment: The Architecture of Ireland's Purpose-Built Lunatic Asylums, 1814-2014

Patrick Quinlan
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Master in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Hospital architecture
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th, 20th and early 21st Century

20,000-40,000 words

Perspectives on the Career of George Wilkinson: Workhouse Architect in England and Ireland

Beth-Ann M Quinn
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Architecture
Country: England and Ireland
Period: 19th Century

Supervisor: Dr. Christine Casey
15,000 words

The Fresco of the Triumph of St. Thomas Aquinas in the Spanish Chapel of S. Maria Novella at Florence

Adrienne Quinn
University College of Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting and Architecture
Country: Italy: Florence
Period: 14th Century

Supervisor: Dr. Eileen Kane

The Study of an Oil sketch Attributed to Sir John Everett Millais at the Hugh Lane Municipal Gallery, Dublin

Róisín Quinn
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: England
Period: 19th century

Supervisor: Dr Christine Casey
15,000 words

The Female Society Portraits of Gustav Klimt

Megan Natasha Randall
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: Europe: Vienna
Period: 19th - 20th Century

Supervisor: Dr. Paula Murphy
15,000 words

A Fresco Decoration in the Rondinini Palace

Raymond Keaveney 
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (research)

Subject: Painting: Fresco
Country: Italy: Rome
Period: 16th Century

Supervisor: Professor Francoise Henry

Art Auctions in Dublin 1700-1830

Dorothy Redmond
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: Ireland
Period: 18th century and early 19th century

Supervisor: Dr Nicola Figgis
15,000 words

Priest and Painter, Father Jack Hanlon C.C. 1913-68

Mary Catherine Reilly
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (research)

Subject: Painting
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century

Supervisor: Dr. Eileen Kane

Breaking the Illusion Pentimenti and the Humanisation of Artists

Alex Reilly
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: Italy, Spain and the Netherlands
Period: 16th and 17th Century

Supervisor: Dr Philip Cottrell
15,000 words

The Home Farm and Utility Buildings of Coolattin Demesne: A Conservation Study

Jake Reilly
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Conservation and restoration
Country: Ireland

20,000-40,000 words

The Work of Alfred Gresham Jones: A conservation study

Maoiliosa Reynolds
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Georgian architecture
Country: Ireland

20,000-40,000 words

Technology in the Irish building industry: Institutional aspects of innovation

Niall Rhatigan
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters of Architectural Science

Subject: Technological Innovations
Country: Ireland
Period: Mid-20th Century

Supervisor: Professor Cathal O’Neill

Non Omnis Moriar: Artists' Funerary Monuments in Baroque Rome

Corinna Ricasoli
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: painting
Country: Italy
Period: 17th Century

Supervisor: Dr Philip Cottrell
80,000-100,000 words

A Ferdinand Bol in Ireland and Rembrandt's 'Danae'

Hilary H Richardson
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (research)

Subject: Painting
Country: Ireland and Netherlands
Period: 17th Century

Supervisor: Dr. Eileen Kane

Anne Madden A Modernist Approach to Mythology

Mary Richmond

Trinity College Dublin

Department of History of Art and Architecture



Subject: Painting

Country: Ireland

Period: 20th and 21st Century

Photo Booth Exposures: a Comparison of Francis Bacon and Andy Warhol’s relationship with photography

Maree Rigney
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Photography and Painting
Country: Ireland and America
Period: 21st Century

Supervisor: Professor Kathleen James-Chakraborty and Dr Margarita Cappock
15,000 words

John Michael Wright (1617-1694) A Singular Stuart Painter

Eivlin Roden
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Portrait painting
Country: British
Period: 17th Century

Supervisor: Dr Nicola Figgis
80,000-100,000 words

Some Seventeenth Century Paintings of the Old Irish and Norman Irish Families after the Flight of the Earls

Eivlin Roden
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: painting
Country: Ireland
Period: 17th century

Supervisor: Dr Nicola Figgis
15,000 words

Mountpleasant Square

Susan Roundtree
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Mountjoy Square
Country: Ireland

20,000-40,000 words

Seeing, Reading, Writing: a psychoanalytic interpretation of Louis le Brocquy’s Táin

Medb Ruane
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century

Supervisor: Prof. Kathleen James-Chakraborty
80,000-100,000 words

Mayo Country Houses before 1840: Vernacular Country Houses in the Classical Tradition

Patrick Ruane
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Vernacular architecture
Country: Ireland

20,000-40,000 words

The Conservation of Transport Architectral Infrustructure in Modern Ireland, 1945-1953: The Inchicore Chassis factory, Donnybrook Bus Garage and Busaras

Angela Maria Rueda Larrotta
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Master in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Transport architectural infrastructure
Country: Ireland
Period: Mid-20th Century

20,000-40,000 words

Communities & Institutions: Involving communities in urban regeneration: Case studies of EU co-financed urban renewal in Dublin, Cork and Limerick 1995-1999

Paula Russell
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy

Subject: Urban renewal
Country: Ireland
Period: Late 20th Century

20,000-40,000 words

The Historic Gardens of Richard Boyle in Youghal and Lismore

Rosemary Ryall
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Historic gardens
Country: Ireland

20,000-40,000 words