Education Theses Register —
University College Dublin

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Maurice MacGonigal P.R.H.A. (1900-1979) and his western paintings

Sinead M. Crofts
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century

Supervisor: Dr. Sighle Bhreathnach-Lynch
15,000 words

Artemisia: What’s in a name? Revisiting the Art of Artemisia Gentileschi Through her Own Signatures, Letters, and Words

Heather Croghan
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (minor thesis)

Subject: Feminist Art History
Country: Europe
Period: 16th Century and 17th Century

Supervisor: Associate Professor John Loughman
69 pages

Artemisia: What’s in a name? Revisiting the art of Artemisia Gentileschi through her own signatures, letters, and words

Heather Croghan
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (minor thesis)

Subject: Feminist Art History
Country: Europe
Period: 16th Century and 17th Century

Supervisor: Associate Professor John Loughman

69 pages

The Paintings in the St. Dominic chapel of San Clemente in Rome

Fionnuala Croke
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (research)

Subject: Painting and Architecture
Country: Italy
Period: 18th Century

Supervisor: Dr. Eileen Kane

The market -house of County Cork: A case study in urban and building conservation

John Cronin
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Building conservation
Country: Ireland

20,000-40,000 words

The Career and Architectural Works of Walter G. Doolin (1850-1902)

Gearoid Crookes
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Social Policy
MA (research) 

Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th Century

Supervisor: Professor Alistair Rowan

The genesis of an archive, forty years of the Irish Builder 1859-1899

Gearoid Crookes
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th Century

Supervisor: Professor Alistair Rowan
80,000-100,000 words

Patrick Geddes in Dublin: Insights for urban resilience from the past, present and possible

Philip Richard Crowe
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, planning & environmental policy
Master in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: City planning
Country: Ireland

20,000-40,000 words

Conservation of the Irish sessions house: A Study of the Pain Brothers' Standard Plan in Munster

Rosaleen Crushell
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental policy
Masters in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Conservation and restoration
Country: Ireland

20,000-40,000 words

Dr Steevens' Hospital: A study in the construction, nature and future of an Eighteenth Century hospital in Dublin

Ann Cuffe
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Dr Steevens’ Hospital
Country: Irelan
Period: 18th Century

20,000-40,000 words

The Life and Works of Hugh Douglas Hamilton (1740-1808)

Fintan Cullen
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (research)

Subject: Painting
Country: Ireland and Italy
Period: 18th and Early 19th Century

Supervisor: Professor Alistair Rowan 

Pugin and St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth: a historiographical study

Deirdre Cullen
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Architecture
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th Century

Supervisor: Dr. Christine Casey
15,000 words

An evaluation of environmental voluntary approaches: A case study of the Irish packaging Voluntary Agreement

James A. Cunningham
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy

Subject: Environmental aspects
Country: Ireland

80,000-100,000 words

Robin Hood: Prints of Thieves. An Enquiry into the Visual Tradition of Robin Hood

Helen Curran
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting and Drawing
Country: Europe
Period: 18th - 19th Century

Supervisor: Dr. Philip Cottrell
15,000 words

An Ornament to the City A Monograph on Holy Trinity Church, Cork

Patricia Curtin-Kelly
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Architecture Design
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th and 20th Century

Supervisor: Prof. Kathleen James-Chakraborty
15,000 words

The Conservation of Decorative Architectural Ironwork in Ireland: With Particular Reference to Nineteenth Century Dublin

Alexandra Davey
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Decorative cast-ironwork
Country: Ireland
Period: 19th Century

20,000-40,000 words

A Study of a Portrait of Eva Gonzales (1870) by Edouard Manet

Seana Davin
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: France
Period: 19th Century

15,000 words

French paintings at the 1907 Irish International Exhibition

Karen De Lacey
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Painting
Country: Ireland and France
Period: 20th Century

Supervisor: Dr. Paula Murphy
15,000 words

'Vain Imaginings' The Drawings of George Focus Academician and Madman

Aoife De Paor
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (research) 

Subject: Drawings

Supervisor: Professor Alistair Rowan

The Heritage of Portlaoise

Patrick J. Bermingham
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Conservation and Restoration
Country: Ireland

20,000-40,000 words

Model Agricultural Schools in Nineteenth Century Ireland

Deirdre Conroy
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
Masters in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: 19th Century Architectural Model Schools for Agricultural Training
Country: Ireland

75,000 words

Collaborating for resilience to climate change

Sabrina Dekker
University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, planning & environmental policy
Master in Urban & Building Conservation

Subject: Sustainable urban development
Country: Ireland

20,000-40,000 words

Analysing the influence of the Celtic Revival on the Holloway Prison watercolours of Countess Constance Markievicz

Meabh Delaney
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy
MA (minor thesis)

Subject: Painting
Country: Ireland
Period: 20th Century

Supervisor: Dr Roisin Kennedy
135 pages

A Study and Catalogue of 24 Sketchbooks bequeathed to the National Gallery of Ireland in 1974 by Mrs Mabel Henry, wife of the artist Paul Henry (1876-1974)

Eavan Delany
University College Dublin
School of Art History and Cultural Policy

Subject: Drawing
Country: Ireland
Period: 16th Century

Supervisor: Dr Nicola Figgis
15,000 words